Lucky us! Digispace is offering ePortfolio support into early next week. Our ePortfolios are due by class on Thursday. Get your stuff together. Get to the Digispace if you’re still lost.
Don’t hold yourself back through inaction. The “old college try” is called that because it’s that time when students who might not have been engaged and paying attention to key details for much of the term attempt to pull it all together at the very end.
Need a Wonder Pet, or the Digispace equivalent? Check out that link at the top of the post, set up an appointment, and git ‘er done!
I’m not sure how I missed it this past week, but the creator of the GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), is dead.
The GIF has become a key component of social media over the last couple decades and makes possible lightweight animations delivered in an “image” format. Wilhite died of COVID complications at 74.
Here are a couple obituaries for those who want to discover a bit more:
I want to give Ryan props for loading up Wilhite’s favorite GIF very early in the term: the dancing baby.
For my part, I’ve used the upcoming DS106 Image Then-Now-Together assignment as inspiration for a Wilhite Then, Whilhite Recently, and Wilhite Together image.
I whipped this graphic up over coffee using a tool I’ve not used before: Pixlr.
It’s a great, free and lightweight, cloud-based image editing tool. I was surprised by the ways Pixlr works and found it aligned with both the Photoshop and GIMP image editing tools. I’m RECOMMENDING it for those who choose to do the upcoming assignment, want to play with image editing, and don’t have Photoshop. (I’ll intentionally use it for my own Then-Now-Together effort this coming week.
Fun Cocktail Party Fact: Wilhite always pronounced the GIF as “JIF,” like the peanut butter. He hated that it became known as a “gif” (as in “gift” without the t).
I thought this daily create was very adorable and that Colton is a very cute dog and figured I had to do the daily create. I enjoyed thinking of things that would make my grandfathers dog look like that. I thought about talking about squirrels in the post then decided that i would capitalize the word walk for emphasis as though someone is spelling it out so that a dog doesn’t get the wrong impression.
In order to make this, I first made a google slideshow of all my favorite pieces I wanted to talk about. Then, I used the screen recording feature (with microphone on) on my Macbook to talk through the presentation. I edited the recording down to just include the parts where I was actually talking so there wasn’t a 40 second lag in the beginning, but other than that it was pretty easy. I wanted to make this visually appealing and I enjoyed talking about some of the work I did over the course of this semester.
For today’s ds106assignment we had to find a gif of the main scene in a movie. I wasn’t sure how to create one myself so I went on Pinterest to find one. I chose a Disney movie because everyone at least knows a couple of Disney movies and it would be more fun to do. I chose to do the movie Cinderella, because it was on of my favorite movies growing up and I knew exactly what scene I was going to do. I chose the scene where her fairy godmother bibbidi-bobbidi boo’ed her up so that she could have a gown for the royal ball.
Today ds106assignment we had to choose a scene from a movie that was the main part of the movie, or at least a scene that people would recognize. I wasn’t really sure what movie I was going to do but I decided on a Disney movie. I figured Disney movies are more fun and people would be able to tell what movie it was from. I chose to do a scene from the movie cinderella. In the gif it shows the moment where her fairy godmother bibbidi-bobbidi boo’ed (see what I did there) her up so that she could have a gown for the royal ball. I also chose this movie because it was one of my favorite Disney movies growing up.
Fo this ds106assignment I had no clue what to do because I wasn’t even sure what this even meant. The words cover up most of the picture, but the one on the ds106 website wasn’t available, so I had to go search for one. Anyways I decided to do something with chick-fil-a because there is some controversy with them about their company beliefs, but honestly, I just go because the food is good. Again I am not sure if I even understood this assignment but at least I tried.
I thought this would be a funny caption because I watched Tom and Jerry all the time as a kid, and it was one of my favorite shows. If you don’t know Tom and Jerry is a legendary cartoon where a cat and mouse are enemies and are always messing with each other.
I enjoyed doing this and looking back at all my work. I had a lot of fun making these. These assignments have taught me how to use social media effectively
This project was fun to look back at my previous work in this class. I was able to see how my work has improved and changed over the past few months. To record this video, I propped my phone up against some books so I could easily record my screen.
For this assignment, I decided to take after the example on the website and just take a video of my laptop while narrating it. I made a few google slides with each of the showcased assignments on them and asked myself three questions for each of them:
How do my DS106 assignments showcase my creativity?
How might I use the skills from my DS106 assignments beyond this course?
What am I most proud of in my DS106 assignments?
In total, I chose six assignments to showcase. The first was a Daily Create, the second was a GIF, the third was a Meme, the fourth was an Image, and the fifth and sixth were two more Daily Creates.
I liked going back through my assignments and seeing my growth with them throughout the semester. I also liked being able to look back at my work and feel proud of it. I initially didn’t think that I would do well with any of these assignments because I don’t consider myself to be a visually creative person, I am only creative with words like through writing. However, I proved myself wrong this semester and actually created some pretty cool things, and I’m happy with that. This was a good assignment to wrap up the semester and reflect on my work and how it all came together in the end.
Doing this DS106 assignment was very interesting to do. I got to see how I have progressed over this semester for assignments like the blog posts or memes or GIF’s. I also was able to make questions and see what things I have learned from these assignments and see what I have changed over the semester.
For this daily create, I came up with a snappy little reason for why these two men in the Library of Congress Picture were in this lab. I think I did ok with my silly interpretation. I picked up the word “comfort” and tried to think of a comforting food. Anything sweet came to mind, then I remembered learning about the bliss factor in my environmental science class and decided to add that into my wording. I also picked up on the military patch on one of the men’s arms. This was an easy and fun daily create.
I was very excited to do this Daily Create because I had actually used this website before. I have spent a lot of time playing around with this A.I. website making art using different keywords and themes. I was pleasantly surprised to see this as the Daily Create prompt today.
For this daily create we had to go on a website called Wombo and basically you type in any word or phrase and it generates a AI image of it randomly. So I chose to type in red sox and the image above is what came out.
For this daily create was using books other than reading so, there have been many times I used a stack of books to put my monitor on to play video games.
For this Daily Create I was limited on books at present, so I used my mothers bible and since she passed away a couple of months ago I figured since it gave her strength to carry on when she was on earth, I would put her religious things together and take a pic for this assignment, including her old bible. This pic is not showing the whole thing I took a picture of. I do not know why. But it is 11 p.m. the next to last week of the semester, there are lots of presentations, assignments, and projects due, and I am tired. So this is what I came up with and tweeted. I think the tweet shows the whole pic on the daily create site.
This was my take on today’s daily create assignment, and I’m actually proud of the outcome that came from this prompt. The prompt required us to create an image that shows the power or influence of books. I utilized a quite literal response to this and decided to take advantage of the Preview tool on my laptop and used the lasso tool to cut out an image of a book floating in the air. I used Google to find a stock image of people looking up at something, as I wanted to focus more on the influence of literature. I thought showing the literal draw of attention due to the floating book and how it affects the crowd was fitting to the definition of influence. There weren’t many challenges to this assignment besides how open-ended it was. It took some time to figure out how I wanted to display the power of literature and books. However, editing-wise and finding pictures after I had an idea wasn’t that difficult. In my opinion, creating an image that captures an audience captivated by a flying book shows the comedic value and follows the assignment well. Overall this was a fun way to make an open-ended assignment more interesting and easy to digest.
This weeks Daily Create assignment was the show the strength and power of books. The task stated; Books! They can do so much more than just sit on a shelf. Create an image that shows books out in the world showing their strength, power, influence. My creation is seen above. I used a photo of Jesus Christ preaching to his disciples. Jesus is holding the University of New England Handbook in his hands. This school takes its rules very seriously and the rules hold so much power over students. So, I represented the UNE handbook as a powerful book. The handbook in a sense, is the Bible for students here at UNE!
For this daily create, we had to create an image that showed the power of books in the real world. In college, books are all about learning. In the real world, though, books are used for…slapping? This was the first thing that came to my mind when I thought of what books could be used for in the real world. I threw these two images into pixlr to make this, and it probably took about 5 minutes total. Needless to say this wasn’t very difficult to make, and I think it came out pretty well.
Today’s Daily Create prompt was a really fun one – Using the site DREAM, we were asked to ‘Input Words, Output Art’. This site has you enter keywords and generates an art piece for you based on the words you chose, up to 100 characters.
For mine, I tried quite a few different word combinations and styles before I found the one that I loved the most, although every piece was very cool. This final piece was one I got from typing in “Starry night at the calm beach” with the style ‘Mystical’.
I think that this piece actually turned out to be beautiful. In the middle of the sky is almost a tornado of stars that convey a mystical tone to the piece while also capturing the sand and the sea in a subtle yet definitive way. This site is very cool and I really enjoyed doing this prompt because I ended up with a visual output of the words I typed, which is exactly what I was hoping for since I can be creative with my words, but have a harder time conveying the words visually.
I thought this was funny because it is a fun font an image but a disturbing text which contrasts. scott especially liked it and said it was “really neat”
For this 90s-themed Daily Create, I chose to write “When Did I Ask?” as my text in the generator. I thought this could make a funny reaction image to use in response to someone in a joking or sarcastic manner. I liked this Daily Create using the 90s-theme because of the different options I had while creating.
Today’s Daily Create is called “Totally True.” For this assignment, you had to photoshop something into what appears to be a normal picture, with the more photoshopped additions, the better. I decided that I wanted to use the penguin from the movie series “Surfs Up” named Cody Maverick, and somehow implement him into my creation. I decided to find a somewhat normal surfing picture, and then that is where this monstrosity took a turn for the worst. After some fun playing around with photoshop, I ended up with a final project consisting of: Carl Wheezer from Jimmy Neutron, Barry Bee Benson from the Bee Movie but with the head of Stingey from Lazy Town, a Dr. Phil and Green M&M hybrid from who knows where, Bernie Sanders sitting in a char from online, and again, Cody Maverick from the Surfs Up franchise. I wanted to make this post a meme because it has been one of the few daily assignments recently that allowed me to do something like this while also following the rules still. It didn’t take me long to find the pictures in PNG formats online, so that allowed for the editing process to happen quite quickly. The only hard part was finding places where I could put all the meme pictures throughout the surfing picture, so they didn’t pop out right away and hopefully, it would make the viewers try to find all of them (kind of like “Where’s Waldo?”). I hope you enjoy it!