Snow Day Strikes in January

If this were a newspaper, a headline like this post’s title would be a “dog bites man” story. It’s not news.

In the context of a class, of course it is news because it means some shuffling has to happen. (We all love that!)

What’s getting shuffled?

Cripps called an audible in an email sent Thursday morning, following the announcement that the college was closed until 10. Here’s what he wrote:

CMM 225 will be cancelled today. 

Obviously, this cancellation further delays our work on the Interview 1 project. BUT it does not delay other elements of the course. What to do for Monday:

  • For Those New to ePortfolio – Complete UNE’s “Launch Sequence,” parts 1 and 2 (esp Part 1). (*If you’re new to ePortfolio, I created your account on 1/22, as I recall. The Launch Sequence will help you dig the email announcement/info from your UNE inbox. 30 minutes, or so.
  • For All – BEGIN work on the first Audio Playground Assignment by deciding HOW you’ll approach the prompt AND capturing the audio. (You probably DO want at least a rough script to guide your audio tour/narration.) The prompt, in brief: “Make a one-minute audio tour of a specific place for one person.” The Assignment Link
  • There’s no expectation that you will edit any audio for either the Interview 1 or Audio Playground 1 assignment. For those of us itching to get going, I recommend Pat Flynn’s fun, brief video tutorial on GarageBand, available right on our class website’s “Get Audio Help!” page:

If you’ve not used ePortfolio before, I expect you’ll spend about 90-120 minutes doing what I’ve outlined above. If you’ve been using ePortfolio and are comfortable with it, I think you cut that time in half – or more.

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