Thursday To Dos

Big Deal Today – Learning about Peers & Critiques of Podcasts!!

Quick Rundown for Thursday (a checklist of sorts!)

  • Two podcasts due: Interview 1 (Peer) and Audio Playground 1 (audio tour for one person)
  • Get all key files into your shared Google Folder – Make subfolders with descriptive names (Interview 1, AP 1) to organize relevant files to help yourself – AND CRIPPS!
  • Upload each podcast to our Transistor Show – Quick Guide ( – Remember to name the season; add artwork, ideally.
  • Make two Blog Posts in ePortfolio, one for Interview 1 and another for Audio Playground 1
  • Embed each podcast in the appropriate blog post (See Quick Guide instructions above)
  • Draft a brief, roughly 250-word framing statement that explains your idea, key challenges, important choices, and the like. (See Transistor Quick Guide for help)
  • Make sure to add the CMM 225 Category to the post
  • Publish those two Blog Posts
  • Podcast Critiques

Note: In the future, we will not use class time for uploading, embedding, and drafting framing statements for our work. It will be part of the expectation. The good thing about all this is that we’ll have more time for the fun part – listening, engaging, critiquing.

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