Interview Podcast 1 (Peer)

Start January 18
Due January 25 Due February 1 (snow day and all)

Time on Task: In & Out of Class (3 Hours)
Course Points: 3000

It’s best just to jump in and get started. As we also need to get to know each other a bit, why not use a Peer Interview Podcast Assignment to launch the term?

Relax! We’re going to start easy, and I grade using specifications that make clear how you earn the points (See Rubric below)

The Task (in a nutshell)

Pair up with a peer in class. Using a voice memo recording app on your cell phone, take turns interviewing each other using some basic common questions. We learn a little bit of GarageBand during class, import the audio, find and add in some music, prepare a brief Intro and Outro, adjust levels and fades to get a coherent podcast, and publish!

The Task (unpacked)

  • Using your phone, Record a 3-4 minute Interview with a Peer (during class, day 1) – use the Interview Question Template
  • Draft an Intro and Outro Script for your Podcast – See Rubric below (homework for 1/22)
  • Practice reading Script (homework for 1/22)
  • Record Intro and Outro as separate files – see Rubric below (homework for 1/22)
  • Select appropriate music or sounds for the Podcast using Free Music Archive or (homework for 1/22)
  • Download the “” in Podcast Resource Files & Open (during class; find in Shared Google Folder)
  • Import the interview sound file into the Interview Track in GarageBand & Identify the Core Story or Meat of the Interview (during class)
  • Import Intro/Outro into GarageBand Project – see Rubric below (during class)
  • Import music file into GarageBand Project as separate Track(s) (during class)
  • Edit Audio to establish consistent levels, fade in/out of tracks, and use sounds for the effect you want (in class & homework)
  • Upload GarageBand Project, exported WAV/MP3 Podcast, and Image(s) of Script to Google Folder (homework; 10 minutes of futzing on 1/25)

Rubric & Points (Specifications)

The Scoring Sheet for Interview I (Peer) Podcast

  • Podcast fits time constraints (1:15-2:59 minutes) – 300 Points
  • 3 Files are Uploaded to Google Drive folder (Band project file; MP3/WAV Podcast; Script with Delivery Notes (photo, probably) – 600 Points
  • GarageBand Project makes use of 3 or more tracks (Interview Voices; Intro/Outro; Music) – 450 Points
  • Interview Content Meets Specifications (Audio Trimmed/Clipped to Tell the Story) – 450 Points
  • Intro Meets Specifications (5-15 Seconds; Welcomes Listeners, IDs Host, IDs Interviewee, IDs Interview Purpose and/or Content) – 300 Points
  • Outro Meets Specifications (5-15 Seconds; Credits Sources, including Music; Thanks Listeners) – 300 Points
  • Music Meets Specifications (Creative Commons-licensed; Edited Intentionally/With Care – 300 Points
  • Editing Meets Basic Specifications (Levels are Consistent; Fades between Tracks/Clips;; Pops/Hisses/Sonic Junk Edited Out at Clip Ends; ) – 300 Points