Interview Podcast 3 – Expert Interview

Start March 4
Due March 28

Time on Task: Out of Class (5 Hours)
Course Points: 5000

We hopefully learned a great deal through the process of developing our first two interview podcasts. We’ve likely figured out a few things, made some mistakes we know we could improve on in another iteration, and more. Great! That’s how learning happens in the real world. Let’s apply what we’ve learned to this final interview project.

Notice this project has a 3+ Week Timeline. Do not delay and lose benchmark points or risk producing something you’re not proud to share.

The Task (in a nutshell)

Identify expert to interview, do the appropriate background information gathering, conduct a 30-40 minute recorded interview, find the central story you want to tell from the interview, edit and mix the project down to a 5-minute Podcast, and publish.

Choose an interesting expert, please.

  • I know the “standard” expert, the easy one, might be a faculty member who’s an expert in invasive crabs or a specialist in neuroscience. That can work, to be sure.
  • I hope you’ll branch out, perhaps by identifying an expert in a career you hope to pursue or someone expert in a path you’re not taking (auto mechanic, plumber, hairdresser), or maybe an expert in a specific activity you pursue as a hobby.

Two Examples

Rae Ripple Interviewed on the Fabricator Podcast – part 1

The Task (unpacked)

  • Identify interview candidates and develop a set of 7-10 interview questions to help you stay focused.
  • Using your phone or a portable digital audio recorder, record a 30-40 minute interview with the expert.
  • Download the “” in Podcast Resource Files & Open (Shared Google Folder)
  • Import the sound file into the Interview Track in GarageBand
  • Identify the Core Story or Meat of the Interview (This is probably the most creative and challenging part of the project!)
  • Select appropriate music and/or sounds for the Podcast using Free Music Archive or; drop file(s) into GarageBand Project as separate Track(s)
  • Draft an Intro and Outro Script for your Podcast, as well as any Narration your story needs to help you tell it. (Remember, use your ability to edit audio to strengthen the project!)
  • Print your Script and Practice reading it. Write “delivery notes” on the script to help you when you’re recording.
  • Record Intro, Outro, and the Narration elements
  • Import Intro/Outro/Narration into GarageBand Project
  • Edit Audio to establish consistent levels, fade in/out of tracks, and use sounds for the effect you want
  • Upload GarageBand Project, exported WAV/MP3 Podcast, and Image(s) of Script to Google Folder
  • Make the key blog post that frames/contextualizes the podcast, embeds the episode, and includes a screenshot of your Band file

Milestones/Steps Along the Way

Due March 7

Blog Post status report that includes the following:

  • 1-2 Expert Interview Possibilities (kinds of experts)
  • Why do you want to do that interview?
  • Who do you think might be good to interview?
  • What interview preparation or background info do you need to collect to know enough to get a meaty interview? Where might you get that info?
  • CMM 225 Category

Due March 18

Blog Post status report that includes the following:

  • Date your interview is scheduled to be conducted (ideally, you can report you’ve already done the interview, but it’s not required for 3/18)
  • 7-10 questions you’ll ask your subject
  • Your notes from the background information you’ve collected to prepare for the interview (these can be photos of hand-written notes, screenshots, links to a google doc, or the actual notes in the post)
  • CMM 225 Category

Due March 25

Blog Post status report that includes the following:

  • Intro script and outro script – ideally recorded and in Band
  • Rough edit of the interview itself – more/less shaped, or at least key story elements IDed with time stamps in notes
  • Narration script done, and probably recorded
  • Rough cuts due by end of class!
  • Ideally, you come to class with a roughed out Band project you can spend class time shaping.
  • CMM 225 Category

Rubric & Points (Specifications)

The Scoring Sheet for Interview 3 (Expert) Podcast

  • Podcast fits time constraints (3:30-5:59 minutes) – 500 Points
  • 3 Files are Uploaded to Google Drive folder (Band project file; MP3/WAV Podcast; Script with Delivery Notes (photo, probably) – 250 Points
  • GarageBand Project makes use of 3 or more tracks (Interview Voices; Intro/Outro; Music) – 500 Points
  • Interview Content Meets Specifications (Audio Clearly Edited to Tell a Focused Story) – 750 Points
  • Intro Meets Specifications (5-15 Seconds; Welcomes Listeners, IDs Host, IDs Interviewee, IDs Interview Purpose and/or Content – might include interviewee’s voice!) – 500 Points
  • Outro Meets Specifications (5-15 Seconds; Credits Sources, including Interviewee and Music; Thanks Listeners) – 500 Points
  • Music and any Characteristic or Ambient Sound Meets Specifications (Creative Commons-licensed; Edited Intentionally/With Care – 500 Points
  • Editing Meets Basic Specifications (Levels are Consistent; Fades between Tracks/Clips;; Pops/Hisses/Sonic Junk Edited Out at Clip Ends; ) – 500 Points
  • Exported .MP3 added to class Transistor Show as Season 7 – 250 Points
  • 300-word ePortfolio Blog Post explains the prompt in your words and describes your idea for the Response, with CMM225 Category – 500 Points
  • Episode on Transistor embedded in above ePortfolio Blog Post, along with a Screenshot of the GarageBand edit screen – 250 Points