
Find Podcast Due Dates Listed as Seasons in the Right Sidebar

Week 1

January 18 – Intros & Mic Check

Week 2 – First Critiques, Media, & Podcasts

January 22 – Theory/Concept & Hands-On

January 25 – Critique; Audio as a Medium for Storytelling

Week 3 – Telling Stories

January 29

February 1 – Critique; Moving into Audio Stories

Week 4 – Soundscapes

February 5 – Soundscapes, Hands-on Work

February 8 – Critique; Interview Podcast Work

Week 5 – Workshopping Interviews

February 12 –

February 15 – Critique; Audio Playground 2

Week 6 – Strengthening Interview-based Stories

February 19 – Discussing our Interview Stories

February 22 – Critiques, Family Interviews

Week 7 – Audio Playground & On to Expert Interviews

February 25 – Introducing Expert Interview Project & Audio Editing

February 29 – Critique; Introducing Story Podcast Project

  • Critiques. Family Interviews!
  • Introducing Audio Playground 3
  • For Next Class

Week 8 – Scripting Your Expert Interview

March 4 – Discussing Scripted Stories

March 7 – Critique; Introducing Interview Podcast 3 (Expert)

  • Audio Playground 2 Due! Critiques
  • Interview Podcast 2 (Family) Due!
  • Audio Playground 4 Due! Critique
  • Class Listen – “Susan Asks, For Who, For What” (Rumble Strip, by Erica Heilman)
  • Working on Interview Ideas
  • For Next class
    • Week 9 Theory/Concept Homework
    • Week 9 Podcast Homework
      • Complete Audio Playground Assignment #3
      • Use Spring Break to Make Up A Podcast Assignment You Missed or Did Not Finish


  • No class this week
  • Use the week to do Week 9 homework AND TO EARN FULL CREDIT on a Podcast Assignment you skipped or didn’t finish on time?
  • For Next Class
    • Week 9 Theory/Concept Homework
    • Week 9 Podcast Homework
      • Progress on Scripted Story Podcast
      • Audio Playground 3 Assignment

Week 9

March 18 – Debrief/Critique, Audio Playground 3

March 21 – Critique

  • Audio Playground 4 Due! Critique
  • Introducing Soundscape 3 (Outdoors)
  • Class Listen – “Susan Asks, For Who, For What” (Rumble Strip, by Erica Heilman)
  • For Next Class
    • Week 10 Theory/Concept Homework
    • Week 10 Podcast Homework

Week 10

March 25 – Expert Interview Rough Cuts

  • Introducing Scripted Story Podcast Project
  • Editing Rough Cuts, Expert Interview
  • For Next class

March 28 – Critique

Week 11 – Good Week to Catch Up or Get Ahead

April 1

April 4 – No Class (Cripps is away at a Conference)

Week 12 – Working our Scripted Stories & Outdoor Soundscapes

April 8 – Scripted Story Progress Reports & Hands-on

April 11 – Story Podcast Critique & Final Three Weeks

  • Soundscape 3 Due!
  • Critiques
  • Hands-on Audio Work (Scripted Stories)
  • For Next Class
    • Scripted Story Rough Cuts Due!
    • Any Bonus Audio Playground Assignments Due April 15 (Tax Day, and all!)

Week 13 – Rockin’ Our Scripted Stories in Lucky Week Thirteen

April 15 – Status Reports on Scripted Stories & Hands-on

  • Bonus Audio Playground Assignments Due No Later Than Start of Class
  • Scripted Stories & Sample Rough Cuts
  • Hands-on Audio Work
  • For Next Class
    • Scripted Story Podcasts Due!!

April 18 – Scripted Stories Due NEXT WEEK!

  • Hands-on Scripted Story Work
  • For Next Class
    • Listen to your portfolio of podcasts. Be proud of them. Start to determine your “greatest hits”
    • Fell behind and missed a podcast assignment or two? Submit up to 2 late podcasts for up to full credit (no later than 4/22!)

Week 14 – Transitioning to Final Projects – ePortfolio & Portfolio Podcast

April 22 – Mapping Final Two Weeks

  • LATE Podcast Projects (up to 2) due at start of class!
  • Scripted Stories Due! – Critiques
  • Presenting ePortfolio Guidelines
  • Presenting Podcast Portfolio Project Guidelines
  • Let’s Visit The Neighborhood to Consider How We Might Re-see Earlier Work
  • For Next Class
    • Make Preliminary Decisions on Podcasts to Feature
    • Get ePortfolio Menu and Structure in Order

April 25 – Portfolio Sharing & Hands-on Audio/Web Editing

  • Sharing out Plans & Addressing Questions
  • Editing
  • For Next Class
    • Bring Work-in-Progress for Podcast Portfolio
    • Get ePortfolio Cookin’

Week 15 – Bringing it All Home – Edit-a-thon

April 29

  • Hands-on Audio Work
  • Selective Sharing of Works-in-Progress
  • For Next Class
    • Rough Cuts on Portfolio Podcast
    • ePortfolio Work

May 2 – Last Class Meeting

  • Hands-on Audio Work
  • Selective Sharing of Works-in-Progress
  • For Final Exam Day (Day/Time TBD by Registrar)
    • Portfolio Podcasts & ePortfolios Due!

Week 16 – Finals Week (Class Meeting Time TBA by Registrar)

May 9 – Final Exam Slot 9:45-11:45 AM

  • Sonic Exhibition & Portfolio Presentations