Scripted Story Podcast

Start March 28
Due April 22

Time on Task: In & Out of Class (12 Hours)
Course Points: 10,000

We have conducted two interviews for the purposes of producing a podcast. We’ve likely figured out a few things, made some mistakes we know we could improve on, and more. Great! That’s how learning happens in the real world.

The Scripted Story Podcast requires you to apply some of your interview experience to a somewhat more complex project involving a story with multiple voices.

Notice this project has a 3+ Week Timeline. Do not delay, and meet the benchmarks – please, please!

The Task (in a nutshell)

Choose a story you care to tell (based on open-ended prompts), conduct interviews/conversations and background information/research, write a script for the project that keeps things focused and tight, narrate the story, edit the audio, mix the project down to a 6.5-minute Scripted Podcast Story (4:59-7:59), and publish.

The Task (unpacked)

  • Using open-ended prompts provided by Cripps, decide on a topic with a focus and driving question
  • Using your phone or a portable digital audio recorder, record interviews with at least 3 persons relevant to the topic
  • Identify the Core Story or Meat of the Interview (This is probably the most creative and challenging part of the project!)
  • Collect key information you need to tell the story fairly. This may involve library, internet, or other research. (Remember to CREDIT Sources in narration!)
  • Download the “” in Podcast Resource Files & Open (Shared Google Folder); add more tracks, as needed to keep sonic components distinct and aid editing
  • Import the sound files into appropriate tracks in GarageBand
  • Select appropriate music and characteristic sounds for the Podcast using Free Music Archive or; drop file(s) into GarageBand Project as separate Track(s); take advantage of our work on soundscapes and soundmarks
  • Draft an ENTIRE SCRIPT – including Intro, Outro, Narration Elements, Music/Characteristic Sound, Interviewee Content/Nuggets – for your Podcast
  • Print your Script and Practice reading it. Write “delivery notes” on the script to help you when you’re recording.
  • Record Intro, Outro, and the Narration elements
  • Import Intro/Outro/Narration into GarageBand Project
  • Edit Audio to establish consistent levels, fade in/out of tracks, and use sounds for the effect you want
  • Upload GarageBand Project, exported WAV/MP3 Podcast, and Image(s) of Script to Google Folder

Milestones/Steps Along the Way

Due April 1

Complete a single blog post on your ePortfolio that contains the following elements:

  • Names the Prompt you chose as your focus for your story idea (there are 4 to choose from)
  • Names the Specific Idea you have
  • Describes responses to the following 4 questions:
    • Whom might you interview or talk with? (2-5 people)
    • What research do you need to conduct, and where can you find that information? (specifics)
    • What role do you expect your narration will play in the story?
    • What kinds of sounds might be important to this podcast story?
  • Completes the following sentence: “My story’s driving question is _____ because ______.”
  • Completes the following sentence: “My story is NOT about _______.”
  • Contains 2-3 sentences in response to each of the following questions:
    • Fairness. How will I ensure my story is fair to the people and ideas it represents?
    • Engagement. How will I engage my audience – and hold them?
    • Ingredients. What are some crucial sonic elements in my story?
    • Takeaways. What do I want my audience to remember?
  • Work ahead, please!
  • Use the CMM 225 Category

Due April 8

  • Complete at least one interview/conversation you need for the project. More is better!
  • Complete Draft Written Script, with Intro, Narration, Outro, and some “rough” work to detail what’s coming out of the one required interview – Print & Bring to Class
  • Also, upload draft script to your shared Google Drive folder
  • Upload to Google Drive folder, some key characteristic sounds you expect to use in the project
  • Brief 200-word ePortfolio Blog Post as “Scripted Story Podcast, April 8” progress report is published. How are you feeling? What’s next for you? (be honest!)
  • Work ahead if you’d like, please!
  • Use the CMM 225 Category

Due April 15

  • All Interviews must be completed, recorded, and uploaded to Google Drive folder
  • Interviews are edited somewhat to draw out key audio and organize responses by theme or point (remember, the story is not grouped interview, interview, interview)
  • Script with delivery notes is mostly complete
  • Much of the project is in GarageBand and edited roughly (with adequate tracks – probably 5-8+)
  • Narration for key research/information in the podcast is recorded and edited (roughly)
  • GarageBand File with tracks (at least 3 tracks, but you probably want 5-6 for the bits), as well as MP3 or WAV export podcast is uploaded to your Shared Google Drive folder
  • Preliminary Music and any Characteristic or Ambient Sound must be selected
  • 250-word ePortfolio Blog Post as “Scripted Story Podcast” progress report is published. What’s working? What’s not? (be honest!)
  • Work ahead if you’d like, please!
  • Use the CMM 225 Category!

Due April 18

  • Project must be completely roughed out (edited, albeit with key rough bits) in GarageBand
  • Music and any Characteristic or Ambient Sound must be selected and roughly woven into project
  • Script, with Intro, Outro, Sound Transitions, Key Themes in Sections, and Narrations all there. Remember, delivery notes help you with pacing in your narration!
  • GarageBand File with tracks (you probably need 5-8 tracks ), as well as “rough cut” MP3 or WAV export podcast is uploaded to your Shared Google Drive folder
  • Your DRAFT STORY MUST BE between 6 and 12 Minutes – we will tighten the story in revision, but you must do considerable work to shape the story
  • 300-word ePortfolio Blog Post describing what’s going well in the draft, and what you can tell needs work (be honest!)
  • Use the CMM 225 Category!

Due April 22

  • Complete Project meeting all specifications as described in the Rubric & Points section of the assignment.
  • GarageBand File, MP3 or WAV export, Original Interview Files, and Script (with delivery notes!) are in Shared Google Drive Folder

Rubric & Points (Specifications)

The Scoring Sheet for Scripted Story Podcast

  • Podcast fits time constraints (4:59-7:59 minutes) – 1000 Points
  • All Files are Uploaded to Google Drive folder (Band project file; Original Interview Files; Music/Characteristic Sound Files; MP3/WAV Podcast; Script with Delivery Notes (photo, probably) – 1000 Points
  • GarageBand Project makes use of 6 or more tracks (Interview Voices in Different Tracks; Intro/Outro; Music/Characteristic Sound; Narration) – 1000 Points
  • Narration Organizes Story in Focused, Engaging, Informative Way Content Meets Specifications (Audio Clearly Edited to Tell a Focused Story) – 1500 Points
  • 3 or More Interviews – 1500 Points
  • Interviews are Woven and Organized by Theme/Point and not Interviewee – 500 Points
  • Intro Meets Specifications (5-20 Seconds; Welcomes Listeners, IDs Host, IDs Interviewee, IDs Interview Purpose and/or Content – might include interviewee’s voice!) – 500 Points
  • Outro Meets Specifications (5-20 Seconds; Credits Sources, including Interviewee and Music; Thanks Listeners) – 500 Points
  • Music and any Characteristic or Ambient Sound Meets Specifications (Creative Commons-licensed; Edited Intentionally/With Care – 1000 Points
  • Editing Meets Basic Specifications (Levels are Consistent; Fades between Tracks/Clips;; Pops/Hisses/Sonic Junk Edited Out at Clip Ends; ) – 1500 Points