Theory/Concept – What is a Soundscape?

Due: February 5
Time on Task: 45 minutes

Complete this assignment as a BLOG POST on your ePORTFOLIO. Use a CMM 225 Category for the post.

Your Task

  • Read “The Sound of Life: What is a Soundscape?,” by Marinna Guzi. (
  • Be sure to listen to at least one of Guzi’s soundscapes, as they function as evidence and illustration in her essay..
  • Take some Notes and Respond to at least 2 of the following questions:
    • Using Guzi’s essay (perhaps Part I for the most part), how would you present your own definition of a soundscape. Try to distinguish it from a sound. Distinguish it from a landscape. The point is NOT to present Guzi’s definition, Wikipedia’s, or mine. Make it your own!!
    • What’s a soundmark? Again, let’s use the term “landmark” as a kind of visual equivalent. Share a soundmark that is important to you, ideally one that would be recognizable to anyone with whom you have shared a soundscape. How might you capture that soundmark?
    • In Part II, Guzi writes of a realization as she was attempting to capture authentic historic soundscapes: “If the product maintains the integrity of the sonic environment, the methods through which the designer achieves the product are not important. Instead, the designer is at liberty to ensure the best recordings possible, even if it means that those recordings are made in a controlled studio environment.” What does Guzi’s realization open up for you as you consider capturing audio for a soundscape? Try to be specific.
    • What are two sonic elements that stand out from the soundscape you chose to listen to as you read Guzi’s essay? Why do you think they stood out?
    • REMEMBER. Put that CMM 225 Category on your blog post!