Staying Motivated: 12 Ways to Keep Yourself in Shape

There are endless blogs, articles, and magazines that claim the most significant ways to keep yourself motivated when exercise gets boring. However, through all the research I’ve done, there are very few that have actually stuck with me. In 2015, Buzzfeed came out with an article called “29 Smart Ways to Motivate Yourself to Workout“. … [Read more…]

There are endless blogs, articles, and magazines that claim the most significant ways to keep yourself motivated when exercise gets boring. However, through all the research I’ve done, there are very few that have actually stuck with me. In 2015, Buzzfeed came out with an article called “29 Smart Ways to Motivate Yourself to Workout“. I was highly doubtful that all of these tactics would work so I put them to the test. Throughout the duration of the ENG304 course I’ve tried all 29 activities and here’s what I found to actually work:

  1. Wash your hair only on days you work out. This is one of the biggest things I could do for myself. Not being able to shower until I exercised got gross. I began to look forward to showering much more and couldn’t wait for the next one… but that meant I needed to run first.
  2. Put on your workout clothes. Forcing myself to go to the gym and just put on running clothes was enough for me. I felt pretty silly if I went in and changed and then changed right back out of the clothes. I’m already at the gym in my clothes… why not do the full workout and crank my music up & just get it done.
  3. Write down how you feel after every workout. Remembering how it feels to achieve your goals when you feel like just laying on the couch is empowering. You tend to get little butterflies in your stomach while a smile plasters your face. You can attain that feeling again… if you just go out and run…
  4. Remember why you started. Always remind yourself why you are running and what is in it for you. You trained hard to get to where you want to be. You can continue work towards your goals and succeed if you just don’t give up. Going for a run when all you want to do is sit in front of the TV separates mediocre runners from the best.
  5. Try group fitness. I found that when I joined a group class and found friends that actually wanted to be at the classes, I found myself actually excited to exercise. I couldn’t wait till the next class and even joined more so that I wouldn’t have to wait a full week to go again.
  6. Surround yourself with motivation. The picture on Buzzfeed had all these notepad stickies with some sort of motivational quote on it. So this is exactly how I went about it. I wrote out about 15 different stickies with sayings I liked and plastered them anywhere I normally go… especially places I go before a run or am contemplating a run (ie. my closet). That way, when I saw the stickies, I’d get a little boost of motivation to lace up my sneakers and get it done!
  7. Give yourself micro-challenges. When I was trying to pick up my pace in my training runs, I used this to motivate myself to run just 3 minutes at this pace and then I could slow down, then another 3, and another 3, etc. I found myself running more and more of these and increased the time I ran at that pace until my training runs became at that pace consistently.
  8. And give yourself longer-term challenges too. There is always a goal to work towards. This year I’d like to finally break my PR in the 5k during my last collegiate Cross Country season. I’d also like to go to the Regional meet and potentially place. Most often times, thinking about this gives me motivation to get the run done even when I don’t want to as I know it will all be worth it later.
  9. Workout with people who will cheer you on. Running with someone that wants to see you succeed is huge. Using the buddy system is also a good idea… count on each other to actually get a run in. On the days you don’t feel like running, the partner can push you to get your sneakers on, and vice versa. Keep each other accountable and find someone that you can have a good time with.
  10. Do it for the pictures. If nothing else works, run for a good Instagram picture. Run during the sunset or the sunrise to the beach or to the woods, wherever you can get an Insta-worthy snapshot. Though you are running for a non-traditional reason (that exercise is good for your body or you are working to reach a goal) it’s still getting you out to exercise. So hey, why not?
  11. Think about how you’re sticking it to your doubters. People will tell you you can’t do this or that; that you can’t run a certain time or beat a specific person. There is bound to be someone like this in everyone’s lives. Sometimes you may even have more than one in your life at a time. However, the only person you need to please is yourself, and if they don’t approve, who cares. They don’t control who wins the race at the end of the day. The next person that tells you you can’t do something, have the guts to say, “Watch Me”.
  12. Trick yourself into going longer miles. At times all you can do is bargain with yourself to at least do a few miles. Tell yourself, “I’m just going to run 3 miles out”. This doesn’t seem so bad when you think about it, however once your actually 3 miles out you realize you have to go back. There’s no other option than running back… so you might as well get a move on. By the end of the run you have 6 miles under your belt as opposed to the 3 you originally “agreed” to.


Challenge of the Day: Try at least one of these each week and see how they work for you. If you struggle to get a run in most days because you are constantly battling with yourself, it may be time to switch up your routine. Embrace trying new things and you may end up surprising yourself with the results at the end of your experimentation.


Keep on living your best life.



Daily Create #tdc2403

Today’s challenge was to simply find old things and make something new out of it. The pictures on the daily create website were quite abstract however so coming up with something as old as they were, was quite interesting. However, I have some very old coins and an old beanie baby token as well as … [Read more…]

Today’s challenge was to simply find old things and make something new out of it. The pictures on the daily create website were quite abstract however so coming up with something as old as they were, was quite interesting. However, I have some very old coins and an old beanie baby token as well as a necklace that my great grandmother had. I figured I could use something out of these three categories.

Instead of going with something abstract, I chose a minimalist design that focused the beanie baby token with the necklace overtop in the middle. These two things mean a lot to me and are some of the oldest things I treasure. My great-grandmother is no longer with us & this is my only prized possession I have of hers. I figured I’d have to show it off…



Daily Create #tdc2402

Today’s Daily Create challenged us to take a hard concept that we either study or teach and reconstruct it so that a 5 or 6 year old would be able to understand in. In the worlds of Albert Einstein, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”… So off I wrote. … [Read more…]

Today’s Daily Create challenged us to take a hard concept that we either study or teach and reconstruct it so that a 5 or 6 year old would be able to understand in. In the worlds of Albert Einstein, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”… So off I wrote. I figured it was only fitting to take a topic from Sports Psychology as I am looking to go into this field for both my graduate program and career path.

I chose to talk about Visualization which is the act of imaging the very thing thats causing you anxiety goes well. For an example, if you are nervous about a test, imagine yourself acing the test just before you actually begin the test.

In the same way, if you are nervous before a race, imagine yourself winning the race or getting your PR, just before the gun goes off. Typically when one envisions themselves doing well, the anxiety goes down without the person even noticing.

Anxiety affects the persons performance if they let the anxiety overwhelm them or steer them into a direction of giving up or accepting defeat before the activity has even started. Explaining this to a 5 year olds level was fairly hard though as there are many different “layers” to visualization. However, I did my best and this is what I came up with.


DS106- Digital Story Compilation

The last assignment was to make a video with our past DS106 assignments, or at least our favorite ones. I personally had a great time doing the DS106 challenges so I enjoyed going back and looking at the older stuff I did and getting a second chuckle out of them. This time I used a … [Read more…]

The last assignment was to make a video with our past DS106 assignments, or at least our favorite ones. I personally had a great time doing the DS106 challenges so I enjoyed going back and looking at the older stuff I did and getting a second chuckle out of them.

This time I used a website called SmileBox that allowed me to upload as many photos as I want, pick out a template and arrange the pictures in the way I want. This website worked for the purpose of simply just getting photos onto a video that had background music.

However, most of the cool design templates, manual changes to the video such as music, and the ability to link the video a blog all were apart of the premium package that charged you $3.99 per month & $50 annually. Therefore, I went with the free option and did what I could. Because I don’t have the option to link the video directly onto the page, the link for the DS106 Compilation Video is HERE.


DS106-The Forrest Gump Project

For this assignment, we were told to find a historical photo and crop ourselves into the photo to pretend you were there. I chose several different photos including the classic “Kissing the War Goodbye photo” but nothing looked great. Instead I ended up choosing a photo of several boys and added a cutout of my … [Read more…]

For this assignment, we were told to find a historical photo and crop ourselves into the photo to pretend you were there. I chose several different photos including the classic “Kissing the War Goodbye photo” but nothing looked great. Instead I ended up choosing a photo of several boys and added a cutout of my head to the right side of the photo.. especially because the guy right next to me conveniently had the same sort of headband I was wearing so I actually fit in! Though I found it fun to look through historical photos, I honestly thought this was a very hard assignment… I personally don’t have photoshop which is the most common and easiest way to crop oneself into the photo while still making it look realistic.

I ended up choosing PicMonkey yet again, and had to crop my photo on my own first, then add the background photo and then finally add the overlay of my face. I was then able to change the colors so the colors matched and finally added a colored circle to highlight were my face is. I did enjoy this assignment, but for the first cropping yourself into a photo…without photoshop… it was pretty hard!



DS106-The Forrest Gump Project

For this assignment, we were told to find a historical photo and crop ourselves into the photo to pretend you were there. I chose several different photos including the classic “Kissing the War Goodbye photo” but nothing looked great. Instead I ended up choosing a photo of several boys and added a cutout of my … [Read more…]

For this assignment, we were told to find a historical photo and crop ourselves into the photo to pretend you were there. I chose several different photos including the classic “Kissing the War Goodbye photo” but nothing looked great. Instead I ended up choosing a photo of several boys and added a cutout of my head to the right side of the photo.. especially because the guy right next to me conveniently had the same sort of headband I was wearing so I actually fit in! Though I found it fun to look through historical photos, I honestly thought this was a very hard assignment… I personally don’t have photoshop which is the most common and easiest way to crop oneself into the photo while still making it look realistic.

I ended up choosing PicMonkey yet again, and had to crop my photo on my own first, then add the background photo and then finally add the overlay of my face. I was then able to change the colors so the colors matched and finally added a colored circle to highlight were my face is. I did enjoy this assignment, but for the first cropping yourself into a photo…without photoshop… it was pretty hard!



Daily Create #tdc2398

In today’s Daily Create assignment, we were given the opportunity to depict what we thought was the “troll under the bridge”. Though there are many different characteristics of what people think a troll is, this type of figure has always stuck out to me. I remember reading several books as a child about trolls under bridges … [Read more…]

In today’s Daily Create assignment, we were given the opportunity to depict what we thought was the “troll under the bridge”. Though there are many different characteristics of what people think a troll is, this type of figure has always stuck out to me.

I remember reading several books as a child about trolls under bridges and most of the colored pictures had a figure very similar to this one. It looks a lot like a farmer but has very long ears and a long nose making it not human.

I had a lot of fun doing this assignment as I went through old books and actually pulled up a book that had a troll in it that looked very similar to this picture. I ended up sitting down and rereading this little children’s book a I hadn’t heard the story in years. An excuse to read little books again and take me back to my childhood? I’ll take it.



DS106- We’re The Real Life Brady Bunch!

The assignment for day was to recreate the Brady Bunch picture. Here’s is a picture of part of my family as well as some friends. Because a bunch of people in here have different names, I chose to do something a little less name based. I figured if I had all girls in my collage, … [Read more…]

The assignment for day was to recreate the Brady Bunch picture. Here’s is a picture of part of my family as well as some friends. Because a bunch of people in here have different names, I chose to do something a little less name based. I figured if I had all girls in my collage, I could do something that all of us love… Mean Girls! Who doesn’t love the movie Mean Girls. My title is somewhat a mashup of Mean Girls and The Brady Bunch.


I really liked doing this assignment and scoping out for photos of my family and friends that had similar poses. As usual, I used Pic Monkey to create the collage and add the text/background colors. I found this pretty easy to complete as well and had fun the majority of the time… until trying to find a picture of someone looking up!!



DS106- Turn a GIF into a FIG

For this assignment we were asked to reverse a GIF in a way that creates a funny, cool or mind-blowing. I have always liked the idea of seeing fireworks in reverse and thought this was pretty cool. Seeing a trail of light in reverse is never a site for sore-eyes and usually gets you to … [Read more…]

For this assignment we were asked to reverse a GIF in a way that creates a funny, cool or mind-blowing. I have always liked the idea of seeing fireworks in reverse and thought this was pretty cool. Seeing a trail of light in reverse is never a site for sore-eyes and usually gets you to look at a different perspective.

I looked through my videos on my phone for quite a while to see which one I thought would be the best for this assignment. This however spoke out to me the most. I personally have had a fairly rough summer with several incredibly significant people leaving my life and an all around lifestyle and personality adjustment. This night, at the Clam Fest fireworks, was the first night in a while that I wasn’t worrying about any of that. I wasn’t trying to run from reality. I was enjoying the present, doing something that made me happy, and watching the beauty unfold. This is happiness.

I really liked doing this agifs websitessignment not only because I really have enjoyed making GIF’s (this one in particular), but also because it put me into a very good mood! This assignment was fairly simple to complete. I had to trim the original clip (about 20 seconds long) to find the exact piece I wanted, upload it to GIPHY to create a GIF, and then upload it to FreeGIFMaker to reverse the GIF which gave me an embed code to add to my blog.



Daily Create #tdc2393

Today’s Daily Create challenge was to use a picture of a flower and turn it into what looked like a bird. The example for this Daily Create was naturally the Bird of Paradise flower. I figured if I also looked for a fairly exotic flower, I could turn the petals into wings somewhat easily. Because … [Read more…]

Today’s Daily Create challenge was to use a picture of a flower and turn it into what looked like a bird. The example for this Daily Create was naturally the Bird of Paradise flower. I figured if I also looked for a fairly exotic flower, I could turn the petals into wings somewhat easily.

Because I am not the best at drawing, I figured I’d yet again go over to Pic Monkey for some help. Figuring out how to actually make a bird wasn’t all that difficult, but then picking out colors to go along with the flower in the background without making it look too crazy was a little more challenging.

I decided to go with the more practical version of the bird rather than I particularly funny one. I honestly tried the best I could with what I’ve got! It doesn’t look great by any means but it’s there! I actually enjoyed this assignment quite a bit and found it fun scanning through pictures of flowers to find the most “bird like” and create my little bird on Pic Monkey.

