DS106- Home Video GIF

For this assignment, we were asked to make a GIF out of a home video. One video instantly stuck out to me. This video is when I was probably 4 years old singing a nursery rhyme I used to love. In this video it’s both my dad and I singing and him filling in the … [Read more…]

For this assignment, we were asked to make a GIF out of a home video. One video instantly stuck out to me. This video is when I was probably 4 years old singing a nursery rhyme I used to love. In this video it’s both my dad and I singing and him filling in the words when I don’t remember them. Though GIF’s don’t typically have sound, I thought it took away from the video a little bit. You can no longer tell what I am saying or what I am singing, nor can hear my little 4 year old voice, which is the only disappointing part! This home video was originally about 3 minutes long and I have shortened it to just 7 seconds to make it a more average length for a GIF.

Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

To do this, I simply uploaded the video onto my computer, clicked edit, and trimmed the video several times to get the video to as short as I wanted it. From there I was able to back it up and embed the “GIF” onto this page via uploading it video onto GIPHY. It was relatively simple to do and took little effort to trim it to my exact specifications.



DS106- The Big Caption

For this assignment, I chose to stick with the sports theme. The photo I chose was of Kikkan Randall winning the Olympic Gold Medal in Cross Country Skiing. The sheer joy across her face says it all. The doubt from others, the countless hours of work, the early morning wake ups to get multiple workouts … [Read more…]

For this assignment, I chose to stick with the sports theme. The photo I chose was of Kikkan Randall winning the Olympic Gold Medal in Cross Country Skiing. The sheer joy across her face says it all. The doubt from others, the countless hours of work, the early morning wake ups to get multiple workouts in, and the hundreds of sacrifices to get to this point… it’s all been made worth it. She will always be an Olympic Gold Medalist and no one can take that away from her.

People give up way before getting to this point though. To stay mentally with it is the difference between a champion and anyone else. Something is only impossible if you believe it is impossible. Yet, there will always be that person that will challenge the limits. To push themselves to the max. And achieve something amazing in the process.

This was a relatively easy assignment. I simply uploaded my picture of choice to Pic Monkey, a website I’ve now used for several assignments in this class. From there I added text and was able to choose the font color, size, and font itself.



Daily Create #tdc2387 (missed 1)

Today’s Daily Create was about making mazes. The site we were instructed to go to was called Maze Generator in which you were able to select the shape, size, and place of entrance to start the maze. This was actually incredibly simple to create and I found myself making more than one and adjusted the … [Read more…]

Today’s Daily Create was about making mazes. The site we were instructed to go to was called Maze Generator in which you were able to select the shape, size, and place of entrance to start the maze. This was actually incredibly simple to create and I found myself making more than one and adjusted the sizes quite a bit.


I actually even made the biggest one I could get and tried to solve it. Though it took me a solid 10 minutes to complete it, I still finished it! I had a lot of fun with this assignment and found it very cool to see other people’s mazes and try them on my own as well. This assignment was also relatively easy to figure out as the website was incredibly easy to navigate and easy to upload to twitter.



Daily Create #tdc2385

Today’s challenge was to draw something on the drawing “Digital World”. In this drawing board you could either make your own drawing on a piece of the page or add on to another person’s drawing. When I jumped on this site, I immediately saw a very large house, two pink ducks, two people saying something … [Read more…]

Today’s challenge was to draw something on the drawing “Digital World”. In this drawing board you could either make your own drawing on a piece of the page or add on to another person’s drawing. When I jumped on this site, I immediately saw a very large house, two pink ducks, two people saying something and what looks like a dog.

I decided to add a rather large flower to this ‘house scene’ as I typically am not a huge drawer myself but usually can draw a flower as my go-to creativity.

This was a relatively easy daily create challenge simply just allowing us to click on the link and begin drawing. I was then able to screenshot the drawing and post it to twitter!


DS106-Color Walk Time Lines

Today I went for a walk around Mackworth and chose to look for the color blue. I found this incredibly challenging except for the water as most of the stuff there is completely green. It took me about 30 minutes to get around the entire thing but I found all the blue I could! I … [Read more…]

Today I went for a walk around Mackworth and chose to look for the color blue. I found this incredibly challenging except for the water as most of the stuff there is completely green. It took me about 30 minutes to get around the entire thing but I found all the blue I could!

I had a really hard time using the software that they recommended we use and it seemed to not be compatible loading with my computer (looked very weird), so I simply downloaded a collage maker on my phone. I made what seemed like a timeline/series of events and then uploaded it onto my computer.



DS106- Say It Like The Peanut Butter

New to the world of MEMES and GIFS, I had trouble figuring out how to create a GIF. I chose the movie the Peaceful Warrior as my favorite movie. I have always loved sports motivational movies and this is one of the ones at the top of my list. This movie is about a gymnast … [Read more…]

New to the world of MEMES and GIFS, I had trouble figuring out how to create a GIF. I chose the movie the Peaceful Warrior as my favorite movie. I have always loved sports motivational movies and this is one of the ones at the top of my list. This movie is about a gymnast whom we quickly learn he is training on the Olympic team to go to the upcoming Olympics. He has an unfortunate tragedy and must learn to cope with it and get back on the rungs. This movie is crawling with motivational quotes that even helped me overcome many mental barriers within my own running.

Before seeing this movie I had so many doubts about my abilities in running. After watching this movie, I overcame so many fears and went on to win the individual state title in the two-mile 3 different times. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it. It was life changing….

For this assignment I used Giphy to create an animated GIF that was relatively straight forward once I figured out how to upload it!



Daily Create #tdc2381

    Today’s Daily Create had us create some sort of wacky Olympic event. We were free to use any format we wanted as long as it was imaginative. I chose to do the Cat Olympics as I have two cats of my own. One is only 12 weeks old and has so much energy … [Read more…]



Today’s Daily Create had us create some sort of wacky Olympic event. We were free to use any format we wanted as long as it was imaginative. I chose to do the Cat Olympics as I have two cats of my own. One is only 12 weeks old and has so much energy all the time so I think it would be pretty funny to either food race cats or see which one could jump higher than the other. For this assignment I used Pic Monkey and first created a collage and then edited the picture and overlaid text over top of the picture. I really enjoyed doing this Daily Create challenge!



DS106- Demotivate Yourself!

I found this assignment honestly hard. I have been known to be very motivational in my life and often am the one giving advice to others. I had to enlist the help of one of my friends to find something that would be considered demotivating. I chose something that related to my fitness theme… Instead of … [Read more…]

I found this assignment honestly hard. I have been known to be very motivational in my life and often am the one giving advice to others. I had to enlist the help of one of my friends to find something that would be considered demotivating. I chose something that related to my fitness theme… Instead of getting your butt off of the couch to exercise, I reversed it to promoting eating junk food and watching tv. To do this assignment, I found a woman online that seemed as if she had had her fair share of snacks and ran it through the Meme Generator and threw some text over top. I am usually not too great with coming up with good taglines for memes as I don’t usually pay attention to memes that others made online, but I am slowly getting the hang of it!


Daily Create #tdc2379

Here’s my fake advertisement for a kayak company. Today’s challenge was to create a fake logo and fake brand name. We were then supposed to come up with a graphic that matched with the logo we came up with. This was actually fun to make in my opinion! I first went to Hipster Business and … [Read more…]

Here’s my fake advertisement for a kayak company. Today’s challenge was to create a fake logo and fake brand name. We were then supposed to come up with a graphic that matched with the logo we came up with. This was actually fun to make in my opinion! I first went to Hipster Business and came up with the brand of my choice. I then searched through google to find a picture of an ocean and pine trees and came across this picture. I had a hard time preventing it from looking grainy however so I went to Pic Monkey not only to overlay both of the pictures but also to put a “water effect” on top of the picture to make it look slightly more eye catching. From there I came up with some text that would fit in with a kayak theme as I figured I might as well use the kayak for something! My original idea was advertisement for a campsite but was quite unlucky with finding a campsite that had both pine trees and an ocean view.



Selfie with your Pet

This is my dog Oliver. He is a rescue from Pennsylvania and we’ve had him for about three years now. He has been absolutely awesome in our family and fits in very well. He does like to go running with me, goes for walks, loves riding in the car, and loves his belly rubbed. This […]

This is my dog Oliver. He is a rescue from Pennsylvania and we’ve had him for about three years now. He has been absolutely awesome in our family and fits in very well.

He does like to go running with me, goes for walks, loves riding in the car, and loves his belly rubbed.

This is a picture of him and I just after I went to rub his stomach and he went a little crazy! It is usually very hard to get a picture of my dog as he is always on the move but I thought this was fitting for sure!

This was also a picture from quite a while ago so he’s since grown up and is a little more “calm” but he still has his moments…

This actually also came straight from my camera on my phone so I didn’t use any extra tools to create this photo.
