
@eng304cripps @ds106dc #tdc2397 #photoswithoutphotos She smiles at the bright orange and pink sunset in front of her. The red circle of a sun reflects off the ocean waves below. — vic (@vikitee3) August 3, 2018 I really liked this daily create because it allowed me to combine two of my favorite things: photography and fiction … [Read more…]

I really liked this daily create because it allowed me to combine two of my favorite things: photography and fiction writing. Coming up with ideas for this was easy; the hard part was deciding which one to choose. In order to decide, I thought about what I like to photograph the most. What I live for is capturing split second pure moments that I notice. That’s why I take a lot of sneaky photos of my friends. I notice beauty in the littlest things. I also take a lot of sunset pictures because they are nature’s most beautiful moments that many people take for granted since they happen every night.


Daily Create #tdc2389

I’ve been wanting to get a tattoo for SO LONG! For my first, I either want a lotus flower on my thigh or something like this. @ds106dc @eng304cripps #tdc2389 pic.twitter.com/Y4GeIkU2kL — vic (@vikitee3) July 25, 2018 This was a very interesting daily create challenge. I’ve been toying with the idea of getting a tattoo a … [Read more…]

This was a very interesting daily create challenge. I’ve been toying with the idea of getting a tattoo a lot lately, but haven’t actually taken action. For this challenge, I was hesitant to use this website that the daily create page suggested. I was going to post a Polaroid photo I took awhile back when I’d drawn on myself with sharpie, testing out the lotus design and location. In the end I decided to challenge myself with the tattoo making website. After a bit of trial and error, I figure out how to use it. Eventually I realized that the point is to basically try on a tattoo on yourself to see if you like it. So I uploaded a photo of my wrist and put together a design roughly similar to what I actually want in the future. Once I was finished, it was easy to then just download the design and upload it to Twitter. I feel like I really identify with my libra star sign and keeping balance in my life is a huge priority for me. So this tattoo really defines me.


Daily Create #tdc2388

A physical reminder for my future self. #tdc2388 @ds106dc @eng304cripps pic.twitter.com/K7sC4QNGOm — vic (@vikitee3) July 24, 2018 Going into this daily create, I looked over the examples that people had already created today. Most, if not all of them were done electronically. However, I wanted to use this daily create as a way to help … [Read more…]

Going into this daily create, I looked over the examples that people had already created today. Most, if not all of them were done electronically. However, I wanted to use this daily create as a way to help myself. Instead of going back daily to look at a digital postcard, I wanted to give my future self advice physically. This way I can hang this in a place I view often in order to have that daily reminder. So I chose a pretty postcard from my collection to write on. If I were to do this again, I might focus on the lighting a bit more. These photos are pretty dark even after lightening them in some quick post production.


Daily Create #tdc2384

#tdc2384 @ds106dc @eng304cripps Sipping tea with Dolores and Mary. pic.twitter.com/3y7hxJBfoK — vic (@vikitee3) July 20, 2018 This daily create was all about finding two different scenes from movies or two memes that were similar in nature. For some reason, the first thing to pop into my head was the tea sipping meme of Kermit the … [Read more…]

This daily create was all about finding two different scenes from movies or two memes that were similar in nature. For some reason, the first thing to pop into my head was the tea sipping meme of Kermit the frog. So I wanted to find some scenes in some movies that also related back to that meme. I asked a few people around me if they remembered any movies where characters drank tea. My Harry Potter loving brother helped me find a gif of this scene of Delores Umbridge from the movie. then I just took a screenshot of the gif for this tweet. When I really thought about it, I remembered there being tea when I went to see Mary Poppins on Broadway so I searched for a movie scene and it came up! Once I had the two pictures, I was going to make a collage of the two to tweet, but figured it would be much easier to just upload the two photos in a tweet. 


Daily Create #tdc2380

@eng304cripps #tdc2380 @ds106dc Wall-Ception 😂 pic.twitter.com/IYpOtbINT4 — vic (@vikitee3) July 16, 2018 This daily create challenge was probably the easiest one thus far. I didn’t think much into the prompt other than the plain obvious. Since I spent awhile setting up my wall decor in the beginning of this summer, I decided to share a … [Read more…]

This daily create challenge was probably the easiest one thus far. I didn’t think much into the prompt other than the plain obvious. Since I spent awhile setting up my wall decor in the beginning of this summer, I decided to share a little snapshot into my personal space. I thought about doing something more creative with my online Facebook wall. However, after looking at what other people did today, I figured it might be nice to just keep it simple this week. Next time I will definitely have to put more thought into a daily create.
