Dailcy Crete #tdc2400

#tdc2400 @eng304cripps https://t.co/QOR4yVAtra Here is my walk around the lab and to the beach! — Ariella D (@ariellad19) August 8, 2018 Today’s challenge was to take a video of where we go throughout the day. Today, I spent half the day in marine science center and then I went to Freddy Beach. Here is the […]

Today’s challenge was to take a video of where we go throughout the day. Today, I spent half the day in marine science center and then I went to Freddy Beach. Here is the video I put together of me walking around. I used iMovie to put the clips together and GarageBand to edit the music. I thought this was super fun! I wish I recorded myself walking a little better (kept the camera in the same spot/ location), but I still think it came out pretty cool.




Daily Create #tdc2396

I did today’s Daily Create! It was really fun. I love the line I came up with! @ds106dc #tdc2396 @eng304cripps pic.twitter.com/CSWWeqHNIV — Renee R (@ReneeR58628382) August 5, 2018 This Daily […]

This Daily Create was surprisingly easy and fun!  The instructions linked to a website where all you had to do was type, and it would display each letter, space, and punctuation mark as one of the fancy painted-looking squares.

The only thing I found frustrating was the inability to adjust how many characters/squares went on one line.  It was hard to get things to fit so that they were readable.  I tried a bunch of different lines, including a quote I remembered an author I like referencing, but trying to get it so a word was only on one line?  That was really hard!

I played around for quite a while, trying to come up with something good to say.  It occurred to me that I could say something about not giving up, since that’s been a big theme with me in my life.  With my disabilities, I’ve only come this far through perseverance.  Unfortunately, “perseverance” is too long to fit on a single line in this website’s program…

I ended up hitting upon the phrase I went with after I noticed that I particularly liked how the square for the letter “R” looked.  It seems strong and it fit well with the defiant theme I was imagining (defiant as in defying the odds or defying the challenges you face) so I thought about words with “R” and my theme and hit upon “Warriors”.  It couldn’t have fit more perfectly, either!  Then I just kind of kept typing, coming up with “are made, not born”, and that ended up fitting as perfectly as I could ask for.  Success!  I’m going to keep track of this website.  It was fun!




@eng304cripps @ds106dc #tdc2397 #photoswithoutphotos She smiles at the bright orange and pink sunset in front of her. The red circle of a sun reflects off the ocean waves below. — vic (@vikitee3) August 3, 2018 I really liked this daily create because it allowed me to combine two of my favorite things: photography and fiction … [Read more…]

I really liked this daily create because it allowed me to combine two of my favorite things: photography and fiction writing. Coming up with ideas for this was easy; the hard part was deciding which one to choose. In order to decide, I thought about what I like to photograph the most. What I live for is capturing split second pure moments that I notice. That’s why I take a lot of sneaky photos of my friends. I notice beauty in the littlest things. I also take a lot of sunset pictures because they are nature’s most beautiful moments that many people take for granted since they happen every night.



“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it.” -J.M. Barrie @eng304cripps #tdc2395 @ds106dc pic.twitter.com/HUd11kPZah — vic (@vikitee3) August 1, 2018 Last semester at UNE, I took a photography class and it was what got me back into my photography hobby. I love taking photographs, but … [Read more…]

Last semester at UNE, I took a photography class and it was what got me back into my photography hobby. I love taking photographs, but the part of the class where we had to take a self portrait every week was difficult. Always I have been the one that would rather be behind the camera instead of in front of it. When I saw the prompt for this daily create, I couldn’t help but think back to this portrait I took. It was one of my ways of avoiding the lens straight on and that kind of says something about me: I think outside the box (sometimes). Then I wanted to pair it with a Peter Pan quote from the original book since the prompt talked about Peter Pan’s shadow. I’m really happy with this daily create.


DS106 #tcd2394

@eng304cripps #tdc2394 In my old art class we used to do “line sketches” in that you could not pick up your pen (or you could only pick up it once or twice), which is what I quickly did! pic.twitter.com/idx4TOYdqV — Ariella D (@ariellad19) July 30, 2018 I really liked this assignment. For today’s daily create […]

I really liked this assignment. For today’s daily create we had to make a line drawing, which I have seen in many ways. Some people take this as you can only make individual lines, some only make straight lines. In my old art class our “line sketches” consisted of a single (or few) lines. In this case, we had to make a drawing without picking up our pens. I loved these because there was so much to do them and it was always a challenge. Yes we could pick up our pens once or twice, but when you actually try to do this without picking up your pen it is harder then you would imagine. I ended up just doing a quick sketch of part of a face on the Post-it notes I had in front of me. I love every excuse I get to doodle, so I truly enjoyed this assignment.




Daily Create #tdc2393

All righty, daily create time! Time for a daily create! #tdc2393 @ds106dc @eng304cripps The challenge was to take a photo of a flower and turn it into a bird. What […]

All righty, daily create time!

Since today’s challenge was to take a photo of a flower and turn it into a bird, I went with one of the dozens of hibiscus flower photos I took last summer, which I could find easily, even though it wasn’t as easy to see the bird as in a bird of paradise flower!  To create my bird, I just pulled the photo up on my screen and used a pencil to trace it onto a sheet of white printer paper.  From there I just tweaked it to get it to look more bird-like and to give it a body in addition to its flower-face.  (I was honestly thinking about how barn owls have wide, dish-shaped faces, much like a flower, when I made this, but the beak being pointy and narrow–and the flower being white–made this shout “GOOSE!” when I went to sketch in a body.). When I was happy enough with my sketch, I darkened the lines, snapped a photo with my phone, and used AirDrop to copy it quickly to my computer.  From there, all I had to do was upload both the original photo and my drawing to Twitter!  Easy-peasy.  This didn’t take very long at all.  I feel a little guilty though for not doing something fancy with new technology/internet/computer tools, though.  That’s been kind of a rule for most of the other daily creates.  At least I was still creative!  I like how it looks when I post 2 pics to Twitter at once, too.



Daily Create #tdc2389

I’ve been wanting to get a tattoo for SO LONG! For my first, I either want a lotus flower on my thigh or something like this. @ds106dc @eng304cripps #tdc2389 pic.twitter.com/Y4GeIkU2kL — vic (@vikitee3) July 25, 2018 This was a very interesting daily create challenge. I’ve been toying with the idea of getting a tattoo a … [Read more…]

This was a very interesting daily create challenge. I’ve been toying with the idea of getting a tattoo a lot lately, but haven’t actually taken action. For this challenge, I was hesitant to use this website that the daily create page suggested. I was going to post a Polaroid photo I took awhile back when I’d drawn on myself with sharpie, testing out the lotus design and location. In the end I decided to challenge myself with the tattoo making website. After a bit of trial and error, I figure out how to use it. Eventually I realized that the point is to basically try on a tattoo on yourself to see if you like it. So I uploaded a photo of my wrist and put together a design roughly similar to what I actually want in the future. Once I was finished, it was easy to then just download the design and upload it to Twitter. I feel like I really identify with my libra star sign and keeping balance in my life is a huge priority for me. So this tattoo really defines me.


Daily Create #tdc2388

A physical reminder for my future self. #tdc2388 @ds106dc @eng304cripps pic.twitter.com/K7sC4QNGOm — vic (@vikitee3) July 24, 2018 Going into this daily create, I looked over the examples that people had already created today. Most, if not all of them were done electronically. However, I wanted to use this daily create as a way to help … [Read more…]

Going into this daily create, I looked over the examples that people had already created today. Most, if not all of them were done electronically. However, I wanted to use this daily create as a way to help myself. Instead of going back daily to look at a digital postcard, I wanted to give my future self advice physically. This way I can hang this in a place I view often in order to have that daily reminder. So I chose a pretty postcard from my collection to write on. If I were to do this again, I might focus on the lighting a bit more. These photos are pretty dark even after lightening them in some quick post production.


DS106 Meme 3 – “The Big Caption”

“Glamping 2018” @ds106dc. In the spirit of https://t.co/yeI2Bc3Lyu take any photo featured on The Big Picture (https://t.co/a3PBjtjHln) and add typographical text elements in a way that changes the message. @eng304cripps Big Caption Remix pic.twitter.com/TNfhqp5OfH — Robyn (@Robynorca) July 24, 2018 Photo Courtesy of the Boston Globe – #19 “The Big Picture” – published May 2018 Read more about DS106 Meme 3 – “The Big Caption”[…]

Photo Courtesy of the Boston Globe – #19 “The Big Picture” – published May 2018

Rachel Connolly gets stretched out by Alycia Markowski at dawn. Runners in the 36-hour Ruck4HIT relay ran through all 15 Cape Cod towns wearing rucksacks. The $115,000 raised will help support Heroes In Transition, a Mashpee nonprofit group that helps veterans. (Stan Grossfeld/ Globe Staff)

In the spirit of “The Big Caption” I took a photo featured on the Boston Globes web site, “The Big Picture” and added typographical text elements that changed the way the message in the photo is conveyed.  I used Professor Cripps’ example as a guide and utilized MS Paint and my MS pen to write the text on the photo.

I initially had difficulty in saving the photograph to my laptop because when I copied the image I saved it as a .bmp instead of a .jpeg.  I learned from my husband that .jpeg files are smaller than .bmp’s and after reformatting my work, I successfully added the photo to the web page.

As a side note, I have been a Girl Scout Trainer for over 20 years.  Every year we have a group of Mom’s who aren’t “out-dorsy”.  These ladies prefer to camp in gyms, museums, hotels, each others houses, anywhere but outside.

It has been my “challenge” and a welcomed one, to invite these ladies to the “dark side” and embrace nature!  I have a million funny stories of confiscated wine, imploding air beds and lost Dominoes Pizza drivers wandering the woods; but, for now enjoy the photo and let your imagination take flight.

Robyn “Kool Kat”





Daily Create #tdc2388

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1) This is a postcard from my present self to my future self. @ds106dc #tdc2388 @eng304cripps pic.twitter.com/xH3Eleqt0c — Robyn (@Robynorca) July 24, 2018 I don’t know about you; but, I have to constantly remind myself to remain Read more about Daily Create #tdc2388[…]

I don’t know about you; but, I have to constantly remind myself to remain in the present and enjoy the many blessings that God has bestowed upon me.  Often times I find myself dwelling on my shortcomings or the shortcomings of others.  I forget that God “IS” Love and that he wants to be close to us and have a personal relationship with us.

Also, I don’t always make time in my day to meditate; and, I am certain I fall short as a good Catholic.  But, what I do know for sure is that God is not finished with me yet; and, I should be patient and have faith that in his time, all will be revealed.

I took the photo in June 2018 during my trip to Nova Scotia, Canada to visit my in-laws.  This is the lighthouse at Peggy’s Cove.  I simply added text using MS Paint.

Robyn “Kool Kat”



