Daily Create #tdc2384

#tdc2384 @ds106dc @eng304cripps Sipping tea with Dolores and Mary. pic.twitter.com/3y7hxJBfoK — vic (@vikitee3) July 20, 2018 This daily create was all about finding two different scenes from movies or two memes that were similar in nature. For some reason, the first thing to pop into my head was the tea sipping meme of Kermit the … [Read more…]

This daily create was all about finding two different scenes from movies or two memes that were similar in nature. For some reason, the first thing to pop into my head was the tea sipping meme of Kermit the frog. So I wanted to find some scenes in some movies that also related back to that meme. I asked a few people around me if they remembered any movies where characters drank tea. My Harry Potter loving brother helped me find a gif of this scene of Delores Umbridge from the movie. then I just took a screenshot of the gif for this tweet. When I really thought about it, I remembered there being tea when I went to see Mary Poppins on Broadway so I searched for a movie scene and it came up! Once I had the two pictures, I was going to make a collage of the two to tweet, but figured it would be much easier to just upload the two photos in a tweet. 


DS106 GIF 1

For this assignment, it took me awhile to figure out how to make my own gif. I searched around for what other people used on this DS106 prompt, but none of them were really working for me. Then I looked on Google for free gif makers. That’s when Giphy came up. I’ve heard of this … [Read more…]

For this assignment, it took me awhile to figure out how to make my own gif. I searched around for what other people used on this DS106 prompt, but none of them were really working for me. Then I looked on Google for free gif makers. That’s when Giphy came up. I’ve heard of this website before (it’s even on some mobile apps as a gif search keyboard) but I never knew you could make your own gifs on it. Making this was much easier than I thought it would be. All you have to do on Giphy is insert the link to a YouTube video, trim it down to the section you’d like and bam you have a gif. You can even add text and animations to the gif. I definitely recommend using this app for gifs because I will be using it more often.

For the content of the gif, I decided to use this scene of the film, Dunkirk. This is a very simple scene where a bunch of soldiers are relieved to be off a beach they’ve been stranded on. They feel safe inside this ship finally getting some much needed food and water. However, this certain part really shows the realization on this one soldier’s face when another tells him they are stuck in that room and won’t be able to get out if the ship goes down. It’s a small moment in the movie, but it definitely shows the recurring pattern of temporary relief they get that’s soon replaced by near death. 
