Daily Create–Turn a GIF into a FIG

Well, here’s my attempt at turning a GIF into a FIG!  Trying to figure out how to make it go backwards took some experimentation.  I picked this video because I […]

Well, here’s my attempt at turning a GIF into a FIG!  Trying to figure out how to make it go backwards took some experimentation.  I picked this video because I really like this video, but it’s not super exciting backwards.  Honestly, the best aspect of playing this in reverse is the bubbles returning to my nose and mouth!  I kinda wish I’d focused on that segment a little more, and cut out the trainer with the camera directing the dolphin.  I made the video into a GIF on Giphy, then found kapwing.com to reverse it.  It’s going at half speed, a feature I liked being available.  It was neat to play around with double and half speed in reverse!  It’s not a spectacular example of a FIG, but I like it because I love the video it came from, so I’m pretty good with it.


DS106 GIF 3: GIF into FIG

For this DS106 assignment, my sudden cold was on the mind. Because of this, I wanted to make a GIF of someone sneezing since I thought it would be pretty funny. This video I found showed one of my favorite music artists making tons of odd faces leading up to the sneeze. I really enjoy … [Read more…]

For this DS106 assignment, my sudden cold was on the mind. Because of this, I wanted to make a GIF of someone sneezing since I thought it would be pretty funny. This video I found showed one of my favorite music artists making tons of odd faces leading up to the sneeze. I really enjoy making GIFs with Giphy since it’s very user friendly, free and has tons of features to decorate GIFs. With this assignment, however, I noticed that Giphy didn’t have a reverse option. This cause a roadblock for me. Most of my Google searches for help lead me to Photoshop, which I don’t have. Eventually I stumbled across a site called ezgif. With this, a GIF could be edited further than what Giphy offered. So I ended up uploading the regular GIF to this new website where I allowed it to play over and over infinitely as well as reverse the playback. Enjoy.


DS106–Home Video GIF

When this assignment came up, I knew EXACTLY what video I wanted to use.  I was at horseback riding camp, and a counselor caught the moment a small jump attempt […]

When this assignment came up, I knew EXACTLY what video I wanted to use.  I was at horseback riding camp, and a counselor caught the moment a small jump attempt of mine went wrong…


I uploaded the video straight to Giphy and made this there.  I accidentally spent too long playing around with stickers, filters, and captions.  I ultimately only had a caption, but maybe it would have been funnier without anything extra at all.

The story behind this video is that I was at a riding lesson that was a part of the horse camp I was at, and we were going over small jumps, but the horse wasn’t super confident in me as a rider.  We approached the jump, and the horse thought it would be better to just stop…but then changed her mind at the last minute.  What she did is called a “cow hop,” a jump from a standing start.  You can see that I wasn’t expecting that!!  At least I stayed on, though.  And man, I was glad I was female because if you look closely, you can see I land right on the saddle horn!  It was surprising and funny when it happened, even to me, and everyone, myself included, laughed a lot.  It’s a great memory and I’m glad the counselor I’d asked to take some photos happened to decide to take video and of this attempt in particular!

Hmm, now it occurs to me that “It’s good to be female” would probably have made for a funnier caption…



DS106–Say It Like the Peanut Butter

This was my first time ever trying to make a gif!  I googled it and found a website for GIPHY and I’d heard good things about that, so I gave […]

This was my first time ever trying to make a gif!  I googled it and found a website for GIPHY and I’d heard good things about that, so I gave it a try.  The assignment mentioned a favorite movie, and I managed to find a trailer of mine, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, on youtube, and I used that.  I was happy because it had a scene I love in the trailer, so it was perfect!

Oh man, I hope this loads/displays properly on the page when I publish it…

Anyways, so, I was fiddling with giphy to create this.  I found the trailer on youtube here.  I copied that URL into giphy, and then I played with sliders to adjust where in the video my gif started, and how long it went for.  Then GIPHY offered me the option of adding text, and I couldn’t really resist.  This scene always reminds me of how wonderful it is working with animals, and how joyful it makes me feel, so that’s what the caption says. I’m just a little frustrated I couldn’t find a way to download the gif to my computer to keep a copy.  If anyone knows how to do that, I could really use some help!  I hope you guys all enjoy.



DS106 GIF 1

For this assignment, it took me awhile to figure out how to make my own gif. I searched around for what other people used on this DS106 prompt, but none of them were really working for me. Then I looked on Google for free gif makers. That’s when Giphy came up. I’ve heard of this … [Read more…]

For this assignment, it took me awhile to figure out how to make my own gif. I searched around for what other people used on this DS106 prompt, but none of them were really working for me. Then I looked on Google for free gif makers. That’s when Giphy came up. I’ve heard of this website before (it’s even on some mobile apps as a gif search keyboard) but I never knew you could make your own gifs on it. Making this was much easier than I thought it would be. All you have to do on Giphy is insert the link to a YouTube video, trim it down to the section you’d like and bam you have a gif. You can even add text and animations to the gif. I definitely recommend using this app for gifs because I will be using it more often.

For the content of the gif, I decided to use this scene of the film, Dunkirk. This is a very simple scene where a bunch of soldiers are relieved to be off a beach they’ve been stranded on. They feel safe inside this ship finally getting some much needed food and water. However, this certain part really shows the realization on this one soldier’s face when another tells him they are stuck in that room and won’t be able to get out if the ship goes down. It’s a small moment in the movie, but it definitely shows the recurring pattern of temporary relief they get that’s soon replaced by near death. 
