Daily Create #tdc2393

My succulent and a rendition of the worst creature ever, the green heron. @eng304cripps @ds106dc #tdc2393 pic.twitter.com/ZSuYJPPhbh — scosta3 (@scosta311) July 30, 2018 I never claimed to be an artist, but here is my rendition of the worst creature to ever exist, the green heron. I hate that this is the first animal I thought […]

I never claimed to be an artist, but here is my rendition of the worst creature to ever exist, the green heron. I hate that this is the first animal I thought of when I saw how rapidly my succulent has grown. I hate that bird. It’s creepy neck freaks me out. I used my colored pens again for this drawing. I like how easily they run but it feels like they have little control. Hopefully no one will ever ask me to draw anything ever again. Also, google “green heron” if you don’t believe me about the neck. They’re like goblins but worse.


Daily Create #tdc2393

Today’s Daily Create challenge was to use a picture of a flower and turn it into what looked like a bird. The example for this Daily Create was naturally the Bird of Paradise flower. I figured if I also looked for a fairly exotic flower, I could turn the petals into wings somewhat easily. Because … [Read more…]

Today’s Daily Create challenge was to use a picture of a flower and turn it into what looked like a bird. The example for this Daily Create was naturally the Bird of Paradise flower. I figured if I also looked for a fairly exotic flower, I could turn the petals into wings somewhat easily.

Because I am not the best at drawing, I figured I’d yet again go over to Pic Monkey for some help. Figuring out how to actually make a bird wasn’t all that difficult, but then picking out colors to go along with the flower in the background without making it look too crazy was a little more challenging.

I decided to go with the more practical version of the bird rather than I particularly funny one. I honestly tried the best I could with what I’ve got! It doesn’t look great by any means but it’s there! I actually enjoyed this assignment quite a bit and found it fun scanning through pictures of flowers to find the most “bird like” and create my little bird on Pic Monkey.



Daily Create #tdc2393

All righty, daily create time! Time for a daily create! #tdc2393 @ds106dc @eng304cripps The challenge was to take a photo of a flower and turn it into a bird. What […]

All righty, daily create time!

Since today’s challenge was to take a photo of a flower and turn it into a bird, I went with one of the dozens of hibiscus flower photos I took last summer, which I could find easily, even though it wasn’t as easy to see the bird as in a bird of paradise flower!  To create my bird, I just pulled the photo up on my screen and used a pencil to trace it onto a sheet of white printer paper.  From there I just tweaked it to get it to look more bird-like and to give it a body in addition to its flower-face.  (I was honestly thinking about how barn owls have wide, dish-shaped faces, much like a flower, when I made this, but the beak being pointy and narrow–and the flower being white–made this shout “GOOSE!” when I went to sketch in a body.). When I was happy enough with my sketch, I darkened the lines, snapped a photo with my phone, and used AirDrop to copy it quickly to my computer.  From there, all I had to do was upload both the original photo and my drawing to Twitter!  Easy-peasy.  This didn’t take very long at all.  I feel a little guilty though for not doing something fancy with new technology/internet/computer tools, though.  That’s been kind of a rule for most of the other daily creates.  At least I was still creative!  I like how it looks when I post 2 pics to Twitter at once, too.

