
@eng304cripps @ds106dc #tdc2397 #photoswithoutphotos She smiles at the bright orange and pink sunset in front of her. The red circle of a sun reflects off the ocean waves below. — vic (@vikitee3) August 3, 2018 I really liked this daily create because it allowed me to combine two of my favorite things: photography and fiction … [Read more…]

I really liked this daily create because it allowed me to combine two of my favorite things: photography and fiction writing. Coming up with ideas for this was easy; the hard part was deciding which one to choose. In order to decide, I thought about what I like to photograph the most. What I live for is capturing split second pure moments that I notice. That’s why I take a lot of sneaky photos of my friends. I notice beauty in the littlest things. I also take a lot of sunset pictures because they are nature’s most beautiful moments that many people take for granted since they happen every night.



“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it.” -J.M. Barrie @eng304cripps #tdc2395 @ds106dc pic.twitter.com/HUd11kPZah — vic (@vikitee3) August 1, 2018 Last semester at UNE, I took a photography class and it was what got me back into my photography hobby. I love taking photographs, but … [Read more…]

Last semester at UNE, I took a photography class and it was what got me back into my photography hobby. I love taking photographs, but the part of the class where we had to take a self portrait every week was difficult. Always I have been the one that would rather be behind the camera instead of in front of it. When I saw the prompt for this daily create, I couldn’t help but think back to this portrait I took. It was one of my ways of avoiding the lens straight on and that kind of says something about me: I think outside the box (sometimes). Then I wanted to pair it with a Peter Pan quote from the original book since the prompt talked about Peter Pan’s shadow. I’m really happy with this daily create.


Daily Create #tdc2393

Today’s Daily Create challenge was to use a picture of a flower and turn it into what looked like a bird. The example for this Daily Create was naturally the Bird of Paradise flower. I figured if I also looked for a fairly exotic flower, I could turn the petals into wings somewhat easily. Because … [Read more…]

Today’s Daily Create challenge was to use a picture of a flower and turn it into what looked like a bird. The example for this Daily Create was naturally the Bird of Paradise flower. I figured if I also looked for a fairly exotic flower, I could turn the petals into wings somewhat easily.

Because I am not the best at drawing, I figured I’d yet again go over to Pic Monkey for some help. Figuring out how to actually make a bird wasn’t all that difficult, but then picking out colors to go along with the flower in the background without making it look too crazy was a little more challenging.

I decided to go with the more practical version of the bird rather than I particularly funny one. I honestly tried the best I could with what I’ve got! It doesn’t look great by any means but it’s there! I actually enjoyed this assignment quite a bit and found it fun scanning through pictures of flowers to find the most “bird like” and create my little bird on Pic Monkey.



DS106 WEB 2: What They Might Have Done in Social Media

These web assignments seem to take up the most time, but there is more thought and creation into it. For this, there were a lot of roadblocks. I went to each site provided in the assignment description. The Twitter one was definitely much easier than the Facebook one. This is because I decided to make … [Read more…]

These web assignments seem to take up the most time, but there is more thought and creation into it. For this, there were a lot of roadblocks. I went to each site provided in the assignment description. The Twitter one was definitely much easier than the Facebook one. This is because I decided to make it as accurate as possible with a few different posts talking about some things that happened in Milk’s life. It was interesting that when names were added as Facebook friends (and the twitter profile), some photos showed up automatically. Some photos had to be replaced. As for friends, I wanted them to be other people that were associated with Harvey instead of some random people. At first I was going to make the friend section for photos, but then decided to go with friends to make the page more realistic and interesting. For the tweet, I searched around for a type of motto Milk had throughout his life and the word “hope” kept showing up. Lastly, I couldn’t figure out how to display the fake Twitter and Facebook on here without a screenshot so they are linked below.




Daily Create #tdc2390

@eng304cripps #tdc2390 #ds106 We see instructions all around us. How to make lunch in four simple steps pic.twitter.com/rK9kwgxlea — Brendan Sharp (@BrendanSharp14) July 26, 2018 This post was inspired by recipe videos I see shared on Facebook. I’m sure you’ve all seen videos that show how to make a delicious meal but don’t actually include any deatails that you would need to make the food. Things like how much of the ingredients do you need, how long do you cook,…

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This post was inspired by recipe videos I see shared on Facebook. I’m sure you’ve all seen videos that show how to make a delicious meal but don’t actually include any deatails that you would need to make the food. Things like how much of the ingredients do you need, how long do you cook, etc..

Its also a little bit of a joke that I just made a plain ham sandwich and a banana while these food instructionals are usually fairly complex.



Daily Create #tdc2388

A physical reminder for my future self. #tdc2388 @ds106dc @eng304cripps pic.twitter.com/K7sC4QNGOm — vic (@vikitee3) July 24, 2018 Going into this daily create, I looked over the examples that people had already created today. Most, if not all of them were done electronically. However, I wanted to use this daily create as a way to help … [Read more…]

Going into this daily create, I looked over the examples that people had already created today. Most, if not all of them were done electronically. However, I wanted to use this daily create as a way to help myself. Instead of going back daily to look at a digital postcard, I wanted to give my future self advice physically. This way I can hang this in a place I view often in order to have that daily reminder. So I chose a pretty postcard from my collection to write on. If I were to do this again, I might focus on the lighting a bit more. These photos are pretty dark even after lightening them in some quick post production.


Daily Create #tdc2385

My sad contribution. @eng304cripps @ds106dc #tdc2385 pic.twitter.com/cbn7gukGE1 — vic (@vikitee3) July 21, 2018 I liked that this create was based around interacting with other people to create a joint creation. It took me a bit to figure out what to add to the scene. But I eventually decided to rain on their parades. Since I … [Read more…]

I liked that this create was based around interacting with other people to create a joint creation. It took me a bit to figure out what to add to the scene. But I eventually decided to rain on their parades. Since I love clouds and the color baby blue, I created my own specific color from the wheel instead of just choosing the pre-chosen bright colors in the whole thing. I like that it kind of makes my contribution stand out. Once I was done, I just screenshot my contribution along with a close-up of my drawing to include in a tweet. I tried exporting the drawing, but when it came up on my laptop, there were some weird grey marks all over it and I couldn’t figure out why. That’s why I stuck to a screenshot.
