#tdc2680 – Weird Social Rule – Cali Surfer #4

Today’s Daily Create involved inventing a weird social rule. With my surf edition thematic for the dailies this round, I had to ponder ways to adjust some of the nuances of surf social rules or norms.

Initially, I imagined modifying some of the infographics that describe and illustrate some basic surf etiquette. I imagined changing things like snaking a wave, dropping in, etc. But I didn’t want to get involved in heavy graphics work for a daily create. I settled on an inversion of the surf localism or surf rage phenomenon that is all too common at crowded breaks. If you’ve seen Keanu Reeves in Point Break, you know what localism can look like, and Youtube is full of footage of insanely over the top aggro surf rage.

My inversion started with two guys about to go mano-a-mano in waist deep water, presumably after one of them broke a standard rule. They’re so close together they could almost be involved in a romantic scene, which really pushed it for me.

It’s not a hug. It’s not a kiss. It’s a tummy-to-tummy rub. Editing was absolutely minimal, with a title and some born on dating for the Daily Create. The image itself comes from a really fun article: 7 Reasons Why I Love Localism.

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