#tdc2681 – How Dark?

A surf edition Daily Create with the prompt How Dark? Hmm. My first thought was big wave surfers’ descriptions of the deep darkness they experience in a wipe out and hold down in 40′ surf. That’s scary dark, and it’s not something I’ve ever experienced. Sure. I’ve been held down until I felt my lungs might burst. I’ve been tossed around under water until I can’t tell up from down. But a big wave hold down?

Then I remembered my 2017 supermoon session at Wells Beach. And I blogged about it, so I was able to revive the memory by revisiting the blog. I even had a photo of the beach. Perfect.

This was a pretty simple Daily Create. Pull the photo off my blog. Write some hopefully engaging content. Tweet at the right handles with the right hashtags. Done.

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