Daily Create #tdc2689

Some may call it “hoarding”…I call it “covering my bases”. My household detritus consists of notes from my undergraduate classes and even some high school notes. I get anxiety about throwing notes away from classes I worked so hard in, and spent so much time making. I also feel that I will need the information contained within these notes (in case you know, Google ever breaks). While the amount of times I have actually went back to these notes could be counted on one hand, I still do not have it in me to get rid of them. With four more years of school ahead of me, the cleanliness of my house is surely threatened! If anyone needs to know anything about grade 10 science or university Microbiology… you know who to go to! I would be happy to help, even though I definitely do not remember what is contained within each binder. I truly need to invest in a bookshelf..or shredder..

#tdc2689 #hoarding #junk #help #attached #messy #garbage


