#TDC2689 – Household Detritus

Household dirt. Hmm. Surf themed. Hmm. It took more than a minute to figure out how to handle this seemingly easy Daily Create.

Some years ago, I came across a longboard that was basically trashed. It had a massive delamination on the deck, and the nose had been snapped off at some point in its life. It was repaired, but the person used automotive fiberglass resin for the job. Unlike the clear resin used for surfboards, auto resin has a golden/yellow color. It’s ugly! I bought the board for a song and dance, with the idea that it would be a good beater/loaner. I put a red resin panel on the deck to attempt to hide the yellow resin, and I did the same with the nose. The results were less than ideal. OK.

My oldest son took it on as an art project and painted a mermaid on it. We looked up the Greek word for waves. And the rest is in the photo!

This DC was pretty simple. Get a photo. Pull it into an image editor to add some text and establish a created on date.

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