I want to make a few announcements regarding the Customizing ePortfolio I assignment.

First, Mikaela found out that I inadvertently put two due dates for it, May 24 and May 26. While I intended for it to be done by May 24 because I don’t like students to have lots of work hanging over the weekend, I also own my mistakes. I will not count the assignment as late if it is done by 11:59PM on May 26.

Second, at least a couple students are struggling to do that assignment because they’re confused about the DIFFERENCE between the course site and their ePortfolio site. Remember, we each have 2 logins to 2 different WordPress sites: ENG304 Site & ePortfolio.

  • ePortfolio site will be
  • My course site is, well, you know (

Third, with the exception of the Forum work, ALL YOUR HOMEWORK will be done in YOUR ePortfolio. You make your blog posts on YOUR site. You customize YOUR site. You create pages on YOUR site to show your DS106 work. And more.

Now, I want to emphasize that we are all learning here, and making mistakes and getting confused is what learning and growth requires. I’m not bothered by some messiness as we move forward, and I encourage us all to trust in the process. By this time next week, you’ll have a stronger grasp of your ePortfolio.

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