Daily Create #tdc2698

Daily Create #tdc2698 #ds106

By George…

For this daily create the task was to use George Melies as your inspiration. When reading this the name sounded super familiar to me and then I remembered the film Hugo. This starred a young Asia Butterfield and Ben Kingsley. The film itself as I remember captivated me with the cinematography. This movie was based off of the novel The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick. It was set in 1930’s Paris post WWI and pre WW2. It involved an exciting adventure of Asia Butterfield’s character, Hugo, hunting down a key to make an automaton work that his father had left him when he died. His journey led him to the goddaughter of George Melies himself. Hugo and Isabelle help uncover all of the film work that George Melies had done before the war forced him to sell everything and melt down his film reels. In the end they were able to restore Georges love for film and make him understand what his films really meant to people. This daily create allowed me to remember this film and why I enjoyed watching it so many times. 
