Daily Create #tdc2694


When I first read this daily create topic this morning, I had no idea if I would be able to make a post about it. I have spent my whole day being very aware of my surroundings, looking around for any areas that seemed like they could be from a different planet. I went to quite a few places today and could not find anything. It was not until I was sitting on my couch completing my other assignments that I looked on my coffee table and seen the basket of stitched balls that is considered a “centre piece” for the table. Right then I realized that could act as a perfect landscape for an unknown far away planet. To top it off, there was a toy spider already in the basket (my little cousin was over this weekend). I was able to then note that this sequinned spider was the prettiest of it’s kind and the only inhabitant on the planet. Who knew a centre piece on your table that has been there for years could make up such a good story?!
