

This picture was taken in New York City a week or two ago when I went with my mother to celebrate my birthday. There were so many little french bulldogs all over the city who wanted to be pet. I love french bull dogs, so I pet every single one that I saw. This is a picture of two french bull dogs I met who both wanted to be doing different things in the moment. One was interested in the shoes and the little black one was ready to leave the situation. This situation reminds me of shopping with my boyfriend. Im always off getting distracted by every thing in the stores and he is more interested in getting out of the store as quickly as possible. since this picture reminded me so much of what shopping with my boyfriend looks like I decided to make the caption “trying to shop with bae like”. This shows the boy french bulldog pulling the female french bulldog away from a distraction, which happened to be shoes which is what I mostly get distracted by when shopping as well.