DS106 Assignment 2: SELFIE WITH YOUR PET:

A photo of me and the best dog, Spike.. missing you buddy.

When asked to post a selfie with a pet, this photo immediately came to mind. This is Spike. He was my grandparents pet but since I was always at their house, he felt like my pet too. I have never had any pets of my own, but Spike set the expectations incredibly high. Spike is no longer with us, but I was lucky enough to have his energy, barking, and kisses for thirteen years of my life. Spike was a toy poodle. He was such a smart dog, I feel I will never have a better, more loving dog than Spike. This selfie symbolizes just how loving he was…dealing with me smothering him all day long and making no fuss! I would always just lay like this with him and rest on him as if he was a pillow; even though I felt like I was going to break his 20lb body, he was still the most comfortable pillow. While Spike was known for his intelligence, he was always known for his barking. The whole neighbourhood knew when my grandparents were leaving for a walk because he would bark constantly for the first five minutes of the walk. Spike was very protective of my grandparents. Whenever I would hug them he would bark at me. While we complained about this unnecessary barking, I would love to hear it again. It is crazy how much pets become a part of the family. I love and miss you always Spiffy.
