DS106 Selfie With Your Pet

Meet my dog Rocco! He is a Black Mouth Cur and 3 years old.  I adopted him while I was in Chicago and he was only 9 months at the time.  Before adopting him, I had a yellow lab that passed away.  My mother had said that she didn’t want to get a dog again.  However, I found out that the city of Chicago was having a “clear the shelters” event.  At this event, all animals at select shelters are available for adoption and free.  When I heard this, I looked at multiple shelters in the area and, after searching through a few different websites, I saw Rocco.  I read the description they had for him and viewed all of the photos and videos available and quickly decided that he was the dog I wanted to adopt.  I showed my parents and they both told me no.  However, I’ve never been one to take no for an answer.  Almost ever hour of the day I texted them a photo of Rocco until they got so annoyed that they agreed to at least go with me to see him.  The next day, we went to the shelter and told the people at the desk that we would like to see Rocco.  We went in to the room of dogs and he was the only one to show completely no interest in us.  We took him into a room separate from the other dogs to try to get him to interact with us, but he still had no interest.  Then, we got some treats to give him and we had his complete attention on us.  He would do anything if it involved food, which wasn’t too surprising considering how skinny he was.  In the end, my parents decided that they would let me take him home considering I would be the one paying for all of his bills and food.  Since then, he has completely opened up, shown us how goofy he is, became my partner in crime and I wouldn’t trade him for anything in the world.

