Daily Create #tdc2701

Upon reading the topic for today’s Daily Create, I knew this was one I wanted to take part in. I felt that there was a lot of room for originality in this daily create and was excited to come up with my own creation. I was unsure what sign to use but had a few ideas floating around in my head. I did a google search of “road signs” to refresh my mind of the street signs that exist but that I do not pay attention to (totally kidding). Once I seen this sign, I immediately chuckled thinking about how bothersome this sign is to me. It “bothers” me because I feel it is a ridiculous sign… I have yet to see a road that is this wavy, have any of you? Maybe Canada is better at constructing roads, but the curves shown on this road are obscure and no road mirrors this image. Immediately the “yellow brick road” from the Wizards of Oz popped into my head, as this is what the yellow brick road looks like! At this point I knew this was the sign I wanted to clet. Nearly everyone has seen this movie, HUNDREDS of times, and will thus be able to relate to this tweet immediately! Throughout the movie, all the helpers encourage Dorothy to follow the yellow brick road to receive all she is looking for in life. The yellow brick road was symbolized as a road for hope and comfort for Dorothy; two things I feel drivers need after seeing this sign consisting of an image of the most unsafe road!
