DS106 Say It Like The Peanut Butter

Image result for grease gif

This assignment was a little challenging because I have so many favorite movies that it was hard to just choose one. I ultimately decided to use a Grease gif because this one, I feel, really encapsulates the essence of the movie. It is the scene where they have the dance contest within their school dance. You have the two main characters, Sandy and Danny, closer to the front and then the rest of the crew in the back. I just think this is such a great scene because it has a fifties feel to it with how they are dressed and how they are dancing. It just shows the audience what that time was like back then. And obviously the song ‘Born to Hand Jive’ helps with the setting. I also really like how all of the characters in this movie are all here in one big scene; dancing and singing together which is what this movie was meant to showcase in the first place. This scene is like one big fifties dance party with all of the cast involved. Grease was made to be this great fifties musical movie and I think that this scene is the complete package for that.


