Daily Create #tdc2704



For this daily create, I noticed that they posted about the discovery of the city of Atlantis. Immediately, my mind went straight to the popular disney movie, Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Growing up, that was definitely one of my all time favorite disney movies and maybe one of my favorites in general. The idea of finding a city that was known to be lost by so many people just really fascinated me as a kid. I know that it is not the most famous disney movie that there is out there, but I have always loved it and I have a special connection to the movie. So when seeing this tweet, I decided to find a gif of a scene from that movie. I wanted it to be a very significant scene, one that someone could look at and instantly know what movie it is from. I ended up going with the scene where they finally find Atlantis and at the bottom, the words say specifically “Welcome to Atlantis”. Overall, I really liked this daily create. It wasn’t as challenging as some of the other ones. There were ones throughout the week that I had absolutely no idea what to tweet about but this one seemed like something that would be right up my alley!

