Daily Create #tdc2704

Daily Create: #tdc2704

Today’s daily create: Gif Your Favorite Thing.

Critical Role, the show were a bunch of nerdy-ass voice actors sit around and play dungeons and dragons. No really, that’s the descriptor. Once a week, always a Thursday, my favorite gang of voice actors will sit at a table and stream their dungeon and dragons game for four hours. One would think it would be boring, but it’s actually very entertaining. Each player acts as their character, down to the mannerisms and voice (expected of literal voice actors).

I’ve always wanted to play dungeons and dragons. I had the opportunity for a quick game in high school, and I was hooked. One of my friends, who also plays, recommenced that I watch a show featuring some voice actors I knew of, specifically Mathew Mercer and Travis Willingham. In freshman year of college, with nothing to do, I sat down at my computer and looked up Critical Role on youtube, clicked on the first video, and then realized they were four hours long each and over 90 videos, so I quickly moved onto something else. 

Junior year of college however, with nothing to do, I looked back at it, and realized they had started a new campaign, this one at 45 episodes. Deciding that was doable, I started watching it in my free time, and I was hooked. The amount of passion these actors put into their characters, creating their personalities and backstories. This group of friends acting out their characters bonding and developing friendships. The wonderful story-line Matt Mercer weaved. I laughed when they laughed at their own antics, cheered when they cheered at a successful boss fight. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of watching it.   

I am currently at episode 64 of 66, two more episodes until I am caught up and can start watching the live-stream. I can’t wait!

~ Charlotte
