#ds106 Color Walk Time Lines



For this assignment, we were told to take a walk for twenty minutes and takes five to eight pictures of whatever color we wanted to. The color I chose is green. I just thought it was such a beautiful day out and there was so much green everywhere that I could see. The first thing I took a picture of was me and my dog. I took him out on a walk and there was a green bush next to him. The second picture was of a groundhog in the woods. There was green everywhere and I just thought that the picture was so cute. The third picture I chose was of a lacrosse game that was going on just down the street. Not only was there green grass everywhere, but their uniforms were also green. Then I went inside and took a picture of the first green thing that I saw, my house’s wallpaper. I love the type of green that it is. It has an old fashioned kind of feel to it. And the last thing that I took a picture of was a green M&M pillow that was in my living room because I think that it is a really cool pillow.

