DS106: Color Walk Timeline

This assignment instructed us to take a 20 minute walk and to take 5-8 photos of a color of our choice. I decided to pick the color pink! All of the pink things that I came across on my walk were all flowers of some kind. I was able to find five different locations where there were pink flowers. To make this timeline I used Timeline JS, which was instructed in the prompt.  Watching the instructional “How to” video on their website, along with an additional YouTube video on Timeline JS helped a lot. I found that the “Preview embed” area was also extremely helpful. It took me a few edits to make the timeline look correct. The outline that Timeline JS provides was a little particular with blank spaces, but I finally got it to look correct after a few times. While doing this timeline I also made a Flickr, where I uploaded the photos for this assignment. I saw that the outline Timeline JS provided used Flickr, and gave it a try. I think that Timeline JS is a very useful tool, and could see myself using it in the future. It is fairly easy to use, and also free!
