DS106 Color Walk Timeline


For this assignment we were supposed to pick a color and take a 20 minute walk snapping pictures of items we find of that color along the way. I am currently on vacation in Utah so I wanted to complete this assignment while hiking. I wanted to challenge myself with this assignment by picking a color that I wouldn’t normally find along a hiking trail. I could have picked blue or green, but I decided to pick orange and surprisingly I was able to find quite a few items of this color! I chose my top five favorite photos to upload to my color walk timeline. I found brightly colored orange moss on a rock, my friends new balance shoe and his water bottle were the color I was looking for as well. I also found another rock that was orange, and while I was sitting eating my snack, I snapped a picture of my extra toasted cheese its! Lastly, my friend snapped a picture of a woman and her dog because of the bright orange color the dog had on their harness. I had a lot of fun with this assignment, and I’m glad the friends I am with were so up for helping me find orange along our hike in the canyon!

