Daily Create #tdc2706

Today’s DS106 prompt called for us to make a rule of our own. The rule I came up with was to “Be original and bring creativity into the assignments”. The famous cofounder of Apple once said, “Creativity is just connecting things”. Although this quote is short and simple, I think it can apply to this course. He thought that in order to be successful creatively, we need to think of all of the ideas that have come before us. Making connections and drawing from other ideas can be beneficial. It is important that we our ideas unique, and make them our own. To make this image I used a free program called “picfont”. This was my first time using this website, and it was relatively easy to use. I chose to use this website over others due to the fact that it did not put a watermark in the corner of the image. All I had to do was upload the image, and add the text I wanted. I was able to change the font of the text as well as the size and color. Although there are images out there with this same exact quote, I wanted to make my own. During the process, I learned how to use a new website!
