DS106 Assignment: HOME VIDEO GIF

My home video is of course a video of my nonno! These were the good old days, when Nonno was still at home and I would eat dinner at his house every Thursday. I would always sit right next to him. In this home video, he was saying to me “You’re my girl”. I had to document this on video because the best thing I will ever be in this life is “his girl”. I am so thankful to have documented many memories as such on my phone, as I will always have them to look back on. This is one of the great things about technology; it is so easy to document things. I am always recording, snap chatting, or taking photos. I feel this is an important thing to do as it leaves us with wonderful memories such as this. This GIF assignment will be my favourite as it allowed me to reminiscence on a good memory from and old home video.
