DS106 Assignment: THE BIG CAPTION

After looking through the photos on the Boston website, I immediately had a caption idea for this photo. I felt like I related to this photo immediately, and feel that all STRESSED university students can relate as well, because let’s face it… we truly are all stressed. While this woman is holding onto the pole due to being stuck in a bad and windy storm, I felt this described my appearances during exam week. During exam week I typically have back pain due to my backpack being full of every book I own and having to carry them to and from the library daily….as I will be spending a solid 12 hours in the library! Also during exam week, I find myself putting off showering simply because I “do not have time”. This truly is a real university student issue. As for the sleep, it is lacking throughout the whole semester and not just exam week. The woman’s face in this photo shows she is stressed, tired, annoyed and feels like dying…similar to how university students feel during exam weeks. She is losing her balance, which is what I feel like during exam week as I have too much on my mind that I fail to even focus on walking… Anyone else?!

