DS106 MEME The Big Caption

Two Minutes Before Best Buy Opens on Black Friday…

For this week’s MEME assignment, we had to take a popular photo and add words over top of it to change the meaning of the image. I chose a picture of the start line at the Boston Marathon but decided to take it out of the running context. I put the words “Two Minutes Before Best Buy Opens On Black Friday” over the picture because that is what it seems like when you go out in public on Black Friday. This “Holiday” consists of people gathering in huge groups outside of stores to see what deals they can get on marked down items. I am never one to take part in Black Friday festivities because of the large crowd, however, I would be willing to stand in this crowd to start the Boston Marathon, which I think is a bit strange I’d be willing to do one and not the other. Regardless, I thought putting these words over this picture was a bit comical, as Memes are usually meant for comedy purposes.

