Daily Create #tdc2708:

NEVER SAY NEVER! This Daily Create was definitely one I wanted to partake in. I chose this song as my “theme song” for a few reasons. First, I feel that the lyrics of this song are motivational, and definitely words to live by. For instance, “Whenever you knock me down, I will not stay on the ground”. This lyric is incredibly important. We will all be knocked down in life, we will reach road blocks and have people put us down. We can not fall victim to this, we cannot give up because someone says we “can’t” do something. We should truly never say never, because we can accomplish anything if we put the work in to achieve it. I also chose this song because I feel it has a good rhythm and can truly hype anyone up… which should be the point of a theme song! Lastly, I am a sucker for Justin Bieber, and have always been a Belieber! But really though, no bias here, I feel we should all listen to this song as motivation each day.
