DS106: The Big Picture

For this assignment, we were instructed to take a photo featured on The Boston Globe’s page, The Big Picture, and change the message of the image with your own caption. 

Honestly at first glance when I saw this image I had thought it was of some hockey player taking a dive at someone, not celebrating a winning goal(?, is that the term?), but this came to mind and I’m sticking with it, because the guy making that eight foot horizontal leap is such a mood. The prompt was to change the meaning of the image after all. Let us butcher memorable moments in sports, shall we?

But anyways, do you ever save some food in the future, be it leftover Chinese food or the last of those brownies you worked painstakingly on, only for it to disappear down the gullet of a family member who got to it first? The reply is usually something along the lines of “You should have eaten it sooner.” 

It’s a plight that many of my friends with siblings struggle with. I wish those of you who also fall victim to this curse luck.  

~ Charlotte
