Daily Create: #tdc2711

Today’s daily create prompt instructed students to “tell them about our dreams”. Coming into UNE and throughout highs school my dream was to originally become a Marine Biologist. During my sophomore year at UNE, this changed. By this point, I knew that Marine Biology was not really what I wanted to do, and I no longer saw myself doing that kind of work in the future. Although I was no longer interested in biology, I still had a huge passion for marine life and the ocean. I decided to switch to become a Marine Affairs major, one of the best decisions I’ve made! After college, I would love to pursue a civilian career with the Coast Guard. I have always respected and admired the work that the Coast Guard does. They have a number of responsibilities such as Search and Rescue, Environmental Protection, Port Security, Maritime Law Enforcement, and more. They also have over 200 types of civilian jobs! To make this gif I pulled a clip from one of the videos on the Coast Guard’s YouTube channel. I chose to put the “Dreamy” filter over the gif because it seemed extremely fitting considering the prompt of this daily create.
