Daily Create #tdc2712

Beginning and End

This daily create prompt was to make something the beginning and end together in one creative work. 

Any drawing on this blog reflects this. I’ve never really considered a beginning and end in my work. I never think about where I start, only the end, which is my goal.

In the beginning is a blank canvas. A new start. Something I’ve seen hundreds of times and never gave a second thought. Everyone’s got to start somewhere, however. 

In the end, I’m done. I’ve drawn something. I’ve painted something. I have a watercolor of flowers in the end. 

It’s interesting to think about it. 

Yes, I know, the flowers look sloppy. That’s the point. Here is a practice of impressionism, the style or movement in painting originating in France in the 1860s, characterized by a concern with depicting the visual impression of the moment, especially in terms of the shifting effect of light and color. Rather painting something exactly, you capture a feeling or experience of something. Quick and short brush strokes give the impression of flowers, not the actual depiction of. It’s very fun and relaxing! There’s no pressure of painting something exact.

~ Charlotte
