DS106: What They Might Have Done in Social Media

For this assignment I chose Cornelis Drebbel, a famous Dutch engineer and inventor. He is most commonly known for the invention of the first navigable submarine and also made contributions to optics and chemistry. I thought the fact that he invented the first navigable submarine around 1620 was extremely impressive. I would have never thought the submarine would have been invented so long ago.

I never knew who Cornelis was until I did some light research on different inventors and engineers. Although he is not the most commonly known inventor, I still thought that his work was impressive. His “Facebook” can be found at this link.

In addition to making a Facebook profile for a historical figure, the instructions prompted students to also make a Twister. A Twister is a “fake twitter” made for classroom use. At first, I had a lot of problems trying to embed the page to Cornelis Drebbel’s Twister. Because of the issues I was having I opted to take screenshots of both the Facebook and the Twister account.

I chose to tweet about Cornelis taking King James I out on a test dive beneath the Thames, a river that flows through Southern England. I chose to Tweet about this because the invention of the submarine is one of Conrelis’ most notable works.
