DS106: We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch


Here’s the Basantes Batch! In the left upper corner is my younger brother, Evan. He usually does not like to smile for many pictures, so the closest one I found is this one where he still looks semi-serious but is giving a half-smile. Beneath him is a picture of me at Old Orchard. Beneath me on the lower left corner is my betta fish, Nicholas. One of my roommates and I got him at the beginning of the spring semester, and he’s still sticking around! It’s no secret that I love all things marine-related so having him around isn’t so bad. In the upper right corner is a picture of my dad. He’s looking a little less serious than my brother in that picture.. Below him is a picture of my aunt’s Yorkie, Dante, who we all love! There was extra space in the collage for another picture, so I decided to add him in. And finally, on the lower right corner is my mom. To make this collage I used a free app called “PicCollage”. I downloaded a few other collage apps at first, but did not like them because they all had pre-designed layouts. I settled on PicCollage because it allowed me to arrange the photos in the manner that I wanted. I was also able to add text in the middle and choose from a variety of different fonts. I did not need to edit it in from my laptop or anything. The only thing I was not a fan of is the watermark in the corner. Unfortunately, I would need to pay to go “pro” to remove it. Overall, it was pretty fun getting to create my own “Brady Bunch”!
