Daily Create #2723

Book: Warning, this story has an unhappy ending! I repeat, this is NOT HAPPY
Me: Nah it’s fine
Book: Ends on a sad, tearjerking note

Okay, I think we were all thinking it, but this is uncannily similar to the Surprised Pikachu meme, which is used as a reaction image paired with captions where a set-up leads to a predictable outcome that nevertheless leaves one surprised.

Seriously, the resemblance is astounding:

We all see it. 

I’m convinced this is what they did in ancient times. For instances where a set-up leads to a predictable outcome that nevertheless leaves one surprised, people in the old times carried a stone mask of that person just for that occasion. They had to do this for all reaction memes. 

Historians debunk me, I dare you.

~ Charlotte
