DS106: The Forrest Gump Project

Today’s assignment was to find a historic photograph and place yourself into the scene using photo editing software, just like Forrest Gump.

My secret is out guys. I’m actually an immortal time-walker. I can’t believe they caught this picture of me. 

I’ll admit, I was worried about this project. I’ve had zero experience editing photos (unless you count using drawing apps), but I was able to do it easily thanks to this website called Pixlr that I saw some other blogs use. After that, it was all a matter of picking a historic image and a picture of my self to insert it into. 

My chosen photo is an image of Times Square, taken in 1947. I’ve never been to time square, present day (0r past, obviously), but sometimes I wonder what it would be like to walk the streets of certain cities before they became as big as they are today. Here’s the original image.

~ Charlotte
