DS106 The Forrest Gump Project

For this DS106 assignment, I really wanted to photoshop myself onto a Beatles picture. I wanted it to be a black and white picture because I thought that that would look cooler and more realistic. Turns out, I was completely wrong. Unfortunately, I had a lot of problems with trying to complete this assignment. The first obstacle that I encountered was trying to find a photoshopping app to download. My apple ID wasn’t working so I had to change the password. And then when I tried downloading a photoshopping app,  it didn’t have the option to photoshop images onto already existing images. The next two times I downloaded other photoshopping apps that supposedly had this feature, I found that this was not the truth. It wasn’t until the fourth app that I downloaded that I finally found a feature to let me photoshop on picture onto another. So I took a picture of myself and made it black and white to fit the background of the Beatles picture, but the picture did not end up looking good. This app didn’t give me the option to blend the picture of me into the background to make it look more realistic. It also didn’t allow me to size the image how I wanted so I look extremely disproportionate compared to the Beatles. I eventually got the picture to be photoshopped but it turned out, in my opinion, terrible. If there is one thing I learned from this assignment, it is that I never should be trusted with photoshopping any sort of image in the future.

