DS106 third image assignment


The picture I chose to use in my Forest Gump assignment is the famous picture of “the kiss” that occurred spontaneously after the war in August 1945. This picture was completely spontaneous and not staged. The two people kissing had no idea who each other were. They were just celebrating the end of the war in time square. I decided to choose this photo to embed myself in because I think it is a very meaningful image that shows a strong message.  Although we seem to always have a war going on, and this man fought for our country in this time, people do not really want to have wars. It is not really in humans nature to be violent but it is in our nature to feel empathy even for those we might be at war with. These two strangers were so excited that the war had ended that they kissed the first stranger they saw. This event happened out of pure happiness and excitement. I chose to place myself in this photo because i would have loved to be in the crowd to see this event and feel the joy these people felt at this moment in time.