MOVIE ds106


This movie includes a few of my favourite creations from the ds106 assignments! I have enjoyed this class because it taught me how to do some new things with technology, such as creating a meme. Creating a meme was definitely my favourite thing I have learned from this course! Memes are becoming so common and popular in today’s society, and they are used greatly as a form of entertainment. I always wondered how to create them but never dedicated the time to figure it out. This class provided me with examples of possible apps to download in order to be successful in creating memes. The app I chose to use is called “MemeGenerator” from the App store on my iPhone. It is very easy to use and creates excellent memes! I will definitely continue to use this app even after this class is complete, as memes are a means of communication and are fun to use with your friends; I am excited for my future meme creations! I also included my most recent ds106 assignment creation, me photoshopped into a photo from the past! I had a lot of fun with this assignment as it gave me a good chuckle. I will definitely be incorporating myself into more photos in the future as a means of entertainment as well! My video thus is dominated by a few of my favourite meme creations, and of course me photoshopped photo from the past! This class was truly unlike any class I have ever taken. I just had to take this class as a pre-requisite for Optometry school, which I am attending in August. I needed any English credit and I am beyond happy I came across this class! This is not your typical English course; it enables loads of creativity and expression, and is not simply just tedious essays like past English courses I have taken. I am happy to have completed this course, but I truly will miss blogging and the ds106 assignments.
