DS106 IMAGES assignment, The Forrest Gump Project



Yea… no biggie. Just me and my best buddies hanging out next to a U.S Air Force fighter jet. My arm is around a Civil War Veteran who I got to spend celebrating his 107th Birthday at the Eglin Air Force Base (1955). This veteran’s name is “Uncle Bill” Lundy, who is claimed to be the very last living Civil War Veteran. Pretty cool huh?! I think so too. According to Rare Historical Photos, “The plane pictured is North American F-100 Super Sabre. The F-100 flew extensively over South Vietnam as the air force’s primary close air support jet until being replaced by the more efficient subsonic LTV A-7 Corsair II. The F-100 also served in other NATO air forces and with other U.S. allies. In its later life, it was often referred to as the Hun, a shortened version of “one hundred”.”

I will have to say, this was the most challenging DS106 assignment yet. I am assuming that it was the last one assigned because of the challenge. However, I did not give up, maybe just walked away from my laptop from time to time to then revisit my work to final complete it. I found this image on Rare Historical Photos and I thought the story was very cute. I also was trying to find a photo where I could try and make my hack job of a photoshop look realistic. I am terrible at photoshop and give those who have the skills all the credit in the world. Once I was able to use the Lasso Tool on Pixlr, I was able to then size the image of myself. After I got the correct sizing, I saved the image and then once it was on my laptop, took the image and made it black and white. After that, I was happy with it enough to upload it here! Enjoy!


DS106 Video Assignment “Digital Story Compilation”




It feels like an end of an era doesn’t it? As I spent time looking back and reflecting on the work that I am most proud of, I am really surprised all that I have become capable of. Besides the fact that I now have a brain filled of fun tools and recourse, I am able to now share them with my future students as well as coworkers. I would argue that everything we have learned over the past six week has been so very beneficial. I think that going able creating a Digital Story Compilation of some of work that has been our favorite is a great way to wrap of the course and showcase if you will all that we have learned. It is a true belief of mine that each and everyone of us has taken someone different out of completing these Daily Creates and DS106 Assignments. Being able to read the prompt to then create something of our own was really special. How I created my Digital Story Compilation was I used the platform, Adobe Spark. I was able to create a free account (I had to delete iMovie because of storage on my laptop) and I took screenshots of all of my favorite Daily Creates (tweets) and DS106 Assignments. From here, I uploaded the photos and took some text from the excerpts that I wrote up about it. After that I was able to download the video to my laptop and then upload it on to YouTube. After it was on YouTube I was able to place it into my post! Again, I am going to miss having these assigned every week. (I might have to set myself a reminder everyday or every other day to participate in the Daily Creates!!)


Daily Create #tdc2721



The feeling of this being my last “mandatory” or assigned Daily Create was definitely melancholy. To say the least, this Daily Create prompt was a great one for the last one for this class. The prompt said, “Art can change the world. Think of posters calling the people for action. For good things or for bad things. Show us some art you think changed the world for some time.” I am a firm believer that over the past six weeks I have grown to have a whole new appreciation for art with a technology and digital focus. I was spending time looking for a piece of art that I have taken a picture of that I felt “changed the word” and aside from the slightly inappropriate   and provocative  pictures of let’s say “street art”, I did not think it quite met the requirements. However, I did come across this magnet that I took a picture of. This magnet is hanging on my parents fridge. I think it should be on everyone’s fridge or something that everyone looks at before starting their day and going out into the world. I consider his words to be a piece of art, as well as how it is displayed on a magnet. Therefore, I think that this piece of art can really change the world, one person at a time.


DS106 WEB Assignment “Remix Guinness Book of World Records”


For this assignment, I had a lot of fun creating this!! The description for this assignment said, “Remix a Guinness Book of World records web page. Pick any record you want and somehow remix it. Try and connect it to a story, and add some background inspiration into your idea for inspiration. Maybe it was the record you always wanted to set, or break. Or maybe it fits perfectly into a story you are creating. How ever it fits be creative and have fun with it.” At first, I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to create as my World Record. However, after a text to my best friend which was worded: “Help.. if I had a world record what would it be?” And reply made me laugh out loud!! “Uh.. duh. Most Cannoli’s consumed ever!!” So I spent some time searching the Guinness Book of World Records and found the record holder for Most Big Mac’s eaten during a life time. So I took the X-Ray Goggles, and remixed that record for one of my own. I changed the title to read: “Most Cannoli’s eaten in a life time.” I then filled out the information: Name: Abigail Davis… etc. I also changed the bio portion of it to meet the actual description of my life! IT reads: “The most Cannoli’s  consumed was achieved by Abigail Davis (USA), who ate her 28,788th Big Mac in Portland, Maine, USA, on 20 June 2019. Abigail typically eats fourteen Cannoli’s each week, purchasing them in bulk and storing them at home. In the last twenty-one years, there have been only eight days in which she did not eat a Cannoli – most recently, on 23 November 1998 (she was merely on baby food at the time…).”

I then took a screenshot and found a very unflattering picture of me eating a Cannoli (no shame…) I used an online photoshop to overlay the photo of myself over the photo of the gentleman that currently hold the record for eating the most Big Mac’s during a life time.

This has been my most favorite DS106 assignment so far!!!!

Daily Create #tdc2717



What is Love???? Take a nice look at this… This is love. This is MY true love. Today’s Daily Create gave me a great laugh during a long LONG rainy day nannying two very energetic girls. This was a perfect excuse to snap a Boomerang of myself adding some milk to my ice coffee. I know, yes I am still drinking ice coffee on a chilly 50 degree rainy day. I refuse to drink anything hot during the summer months.. So ice coffee it is. And ice coffee is LOVE! It is how I get through each of my very long days keeping up with busy bodies. My favorite way to drink ice coffee is in a glass cup FULL of ice! Top it off with a little splash of milk and I am good to go. No sugar for me!! As I mentioned earlier, I took this short video (almost looks like a GIF) using Boomerang on Instagram. I saved this video on my camera roll and uploaded it to Twitter.

DS106 IMAGES “We’re the Real Like Brady Bunch”


Boy!!! This might be the closest you get to meeting the real life Brady Bunch… Although, this is the Davis Disaster because well, it’s true. We are one hot mess!! Between three kids (all 1.5 years apart), two HUGE bull-mastiffs and extremely active parents who put their children to shame… you are I guess what you could call a disaster! This assignment was tons and tons of fun to create! The assignment description stated: “Most everyone has seen the infamous picture of The Brady Bunch where everyone in the family is showcased in their own personal box. Now it’s your turn!! Whether your actual family or your close group of friends, make a collage mimicking the picture shown below. Be creative with the title. Make the title alliteration either with your last name or somesort of name you wish to call your group. In your post, explain why you chose the people you did in your collage.” So let me introduce you to each of the members of the Davis Disaster…. Starting in the top left corner, we have William. This photo represents him perfectly as he is always smiling and up for just about anything. Clean cut and stoic. Enough said. Moving over to to the right. My mother, Kathleen! She is always laughing at my terrible jokes!! Then we have the very familiar Stella. Couldn’t be a complete family collage without her! Moving down and over to the left is my brother Ben. Behind that very serious and well dressed face, is a unknown famous comedian (not really.. but he thinks so). Over is my father, Calvin. You will see him ripping up the slopes or the mountain biking trails. Us kid struggle to keep up! Next, is Khloè! Again, I know she is very famous here on my blog. Therefore, she doesn’t need much of an introduction. Also wouldn’t be a complete family collage without her! And lastly, there is me… I indeed have my little cousin on my shoulders, however he didn’t make the cut in the app editor (oops…). And there you have it… the Davis Disaster! We may be crazy, but I wouldn’t want to be apart of any other crazy family than mine. Making this collage was very simple! I used the photos from my camera roll and used an App called layout. After I selected the photos (I made the “Davis Disaster” on Word and took a screenshot) I organized them into their right place. After I was happy with it, I saved it to my desktop and uploaded it in my post! 🙂

Daily Create #tdc2716


I could not have laughed harder when I read the Daily Create prompt this morning. That is because, just the other day I was in the car on a mini-road trip with my boyfriend, drinking a Snapple. Our favorite thing to do is share random facts with each other. Mostly it involves us debating about whether or not the fact is true or not… However, this one both stumped us. This “Real Fact” #1427 reads: “The Bible is the world’s most shoplifted book.” I found this completely shocking and surprising. I snapped a picture of him holding it to send it on to my parents because I knew that they would enjoy to banter about this! I would have NEVER guessed that there was however one book in particular that was shoplifted more than others. It wasn’t until deep into our conversation that we realized that those who may be seeking guidance are the ones who are struggling or suffering the most. So, yes… this is something that I have learned and sort of wondered recently. (PS:)  I did not even realize until reviewing this photo for the Daily Create, that you can see my reflection, as well as his hand holding the bottle cap in the lenses of his glasses! I thought that was also pretty cool!!



DS106 “Turn a GIF into a FIG”


Talk about some crazy core strength to do a reverse flip to the top of a massive snowbank! I have really enjoyed creating these DS106 assignments because they give me a great excuse to spend countless minutes (ok.. sometimes hours) scrolling through my very large amounts of fun photos and videos I have. I once have said before that I am the “crazy” one in the family who records or captures everything. I love looking back to photos and being transported to the exact moment in time. This video (now FIG – reserve GIF) was taken two winters ago. I was filming my cousins jumping off the snowbanks while they were attempting front flips. I guess this was the “cool” thing for boys aged 8,10, and 12. They had come up to visit for the weekend and the first morning we woke up to a fun surprise!! So much fresh snow!! Of course we spent all day playing and building snow forts. Creating this DS106 assignment was not all that complicated. I took the video which was originally taken normally and then uploaded it to iMovie. From here I was able to reserve the whole clip. I saved it to my desktop and uploaded it to GIPHY. It was here that I was able to crop the duration of the clip to make it the perfect FIG! After that, you all know the drill by now… I copied the link to my clipboard and created a new page and clicked ‘add media’. It has now been almost five weeks of doing this and crazy to compare how easy it feels to how overwhelmed I felt the first assignment.

Daily Create #tdc2710


For this Daily Create, it did not take me long to figure out what aspect of my childhood I wanted to “create” or display. However, I did run into a few obstacles along the way… I had no clue how I was going to represent this. I do not have any pictures of this playroom and if I were to make the drive (1.5 hours) it would not show the “childhood” experience. It has now been since changed into more formal guest quarters. So… what was I going to do. I was not satisfied with trashing this idea of mine because it does bring back so many happy memories. I would love to go back and record how many hours (countless, I would confidently say) were spent playing. I was luckily enough to grow up when there was not an easy access to iPads or screens. So imaginative play was what consumed all of my time and energy. So let me give you a little tour. You enter the playroom on the third floor. The best part was it was so far away, you could use an outside voice and mom and dad wouldn’t come running!! As you enter the room, to the right their is a desk. It was used by my parents at some point and time, however the little teacher in me had always been drawn to a desk and paper, pens, etc. So I spent a lot of time playing there! Pretending to grade papers (as if that is ANY fun now…) There was a carpet which was a Lego mine… Your feet better watch out. Ouch! And lastly….. my most favorite place. The “store” and kitchen. This was the best part of my childhood. I would play in my kitchen and “store” all day long. Talking to fake people, and finding them fake groceries, or making them fake food. Gosh! Am I so glad this was my experience and NOT some stupid iPad game shinning in my face. (See Tweet for Website used for Daily Create)

Daily Create #tdc2709



“Lost Civilization”… Uhh… you think I should trust these dogs to return me back to civilization? To be completely and entirely honest, this thought has entered my mind on several different occasions when I have been out exploring with my pups. The most humorous thing about this…. is that, we are on my parents property and yet I still find myself getting lost or entirety confused about my whereabouts. My parents live in a highly wooded area with the closest neighbor maybe being 2 miles away. SO some might called that living in Lost Civilization. This is better than the 5 to 6 miles to the closest neighbor at my childhood house growing up. My mom takes my dogs on typically the same walk through the woods everyday, so relying on them to get me back home or to civilization is not an absurd idea. They do in fact, know where they are going better than me! There have been times when I talk to the dogs and say, “Okay!! Bring me home now!!”. Whether you know english or not.. They have always succeeded and brought me back to civilization. When I was thinking about a picture that I had that would serve as a good “Lost Civilization” daily create, I stumbled upon this picture I took over the winter. This was I believe a beautiful February day and I miss getting lost my puppies so much! If you haven’t noticed (I just realized when looking back on my twitter feed from the beginning of this course) that I am entirely obsessed with my dogs. They have been featured in just about every single one of my daily creates. Happy exploring!