DS106 WEB assignment “What They Might Have Done in Social Media”

Harriet Tubman’s Fakbook

(I was unable to embed a preview of the website..so please click the link!)


For this assignment, we were instructed to, “Use the Fakebook tool to make a Facebook profile for a historical figure and make a fake tweet for the same character using the Twister tool.” In addition to making these fake accounts for a historical figure, ds106 assignments also said to, “Make sure what you create is coherent with the person’s background, and explain what it might have meant for that person to use Facebook and twitter “way back then”. Include screen shots and links to what you created, and elaborate on what their use of social media might have been like if it existed for them.”

The historical figure that I picked to make a Fakebook account for, as well as Tweet using the Twister tool, was Harriet Tubman. There were definitely a few reasons behind this decision. The very first one was this was my most favorite unit in grade school growing up! I can still remembering learning about her and Slavery. Trust me… I still had to do my fair share of refreshing my memory for the historical dates! I used Biography.com  for help! From here, I posted a few different posts early on in her travels. My inspiration was she was “allowed” to have a Fakebook, after her owners came ill and died. I was trying to use common lingo that I feel also was very “real” back in her day. In the screenshot (might be blurry) but I also added a picture of the Tweet she posted on Twister. Saying, “Looking for a place to stay on the DL.. can anyone help a girl out?” Meaning, she was traveling on the Underground Railroad. This program was fairly easy to use, however embedding it was quite frustrating and difficult to do.


DS106 ANIMATED GIF assignment “Home Video”


“Jumping into summer like…”

For this assignment, we were asked to create an animated GIF. The prompt said, “For this assignment, you will need one thing that eveyone has. A home video! Choose a video that you have filmed yourself and create a gif from that video.” I panicked for a minute because of ALL of the video’s I have to pick from. Yes, I am that one in the family who records/captures everything…. Well, I am not feeling too sorry about this because it made completing this assignment very fun (and easy!). So this was the home video I finally picked and I think it is absolutely the cutest thing ever! This is my little cousin, jumping in from the side of the pool EVER. It was a very…VERY big deal. So, I thought it was a perfect video to create into an animated GIF with. And yes, in fact, this was a video actually taken at home too 🙂 To create this GIF, I was able to look through my camera roll on my computer. I narrowed the search down by selecting only the videos. I have too many pictures… After that, I selected my video and dragged it on to my desktop. From there I headed to the all familiar now GIPHY website. A quick upload was all it took. From here, I was able to edit and adjust the timing of the video to make it exactly what I wanted. It is about a 3 second loop. My favorite part is his little face looking at the camera before jumping in!! Anyways, the past couple of days have me very excited for summer (not sure what is up with the rain today…)




DS106 MEME assignment “The Big Caption”


Who put her in charge?! For this assignment… we were instructed to take a photo from The Big Picture page from the Boston Globe. Next, we were then told to lay some typographical text elements in a way that changes the message. I sat with this photo for a while (it was my favorite & so very cute!) and I thought about the message I was getting from it. A little girl conducting a group of adults who are playing instruments. Therefore, the message is that she would not be standing before these adults if she was unaware of what her job entailed. SO… this leads to the text that I choose to use that changes the meaning. “Ah.. 5, 6, 7 & 8……Oops. I already forgot”. In my opinion this cracked me up because if you have ever spent any time around children (all I do), it is comical how their little brains work. They have the most incredible memories for certain things (recalling specific things). Yet, when asked to repeat something right back (what I can infer from this picture, that’s what they were most likely asking her to do) they struggle with completing the task successfully.

You can click on the hyperlink to view the original image ( Image of Little Girl) I then took the image and saved it to my laptop and uploaded it to an online (free!!!) photoshop website. This website was called, “Pixlr Editor” (you can find it here: https://pixlr.com/editor/ )From here, I was able to add text to the image. After I typed out the text , it was easy to move the text around the image to place it directly where I wanted it. Once I was happy with the final image and MEME, I clicked ‘save’ and it was on my desktop waiting to be uploaded for this assignment!


DAILY CREATE #tdc2703/4



Well… today, the Daily Create seems to be MIA. Oh well, I can still play along with the terms of a missing Daily Create and my most beloved missing “bait”. Something that an angler could use very easily to entice  me, is my sweet sleeping angel Khloè. I love this dog, more than I think should be allowed. Boy… do I spoil her rotten. I am…. look at that FACE!!!! The reason why I wrote missing “bait” is because I don’t get to see her everyday. She lives with my mom and dad, and I live in a tiny apartment where she is too big to even fit in the door. Therefore, this addresses the “limited location” aspect of my tweet. I do my best to visit her (as well as the rest of my family and dogs too!) as often as I can. I am actually headed to see her as soon as I get out of work – I am so excited! Making this Daily Create, I sure did have my fun with it. I had to think of a creative way to address the MIA Daily Create and something that lures me in greatly that is missing. Don’t panic, she’s not missing (at least last I knew she wasn’t!!) Missing or not having direct access to is how I am taking a spin on this creation today! I found one of my most favorite pictures of Khloè, and uploaded it to “Wanted Poster Creator” I was able to make edits to the text around the image, such as the reward amount and the name listed! This was very fun and unique. After that it was a simple download to my desktop and upload onto Twitter!


DS106 “WEB assignment”


Holy COW!!! I often find myself saying this after completing a DS106 assignment. It is pretty amazing how much technology is available to the common citizen (yes… I am considering myself a common citizen!) to utilize. I did not have a single clue that there was a platform that used Google Sheets to then create an epic Timeline. I would have to say, this assignment did stump me for quite sometime and I had to get up and walk away a few times because I was getting frustrated and figured out the I needed to in the end just SLOW DOWN and read the directions from start to finish. I was missing a simple step to cause me the errors. So let’s talk about the inspiration behind the color choice during my twenty minute walk. It resulted in having the two girls I nanny for choice! So.. if you were wondering what color a three and five year old want to go on an adventure looking for… it’s yellow. Yup! They couldn’t make it easy on me and say green?!? There is green everywhere you look this time of year. Well, I was up for the challenge, and my kiddos were ready for a nature walk searching for anything yellow! We found several road signs that were yellow. Additionally, we found a yellow fire hydrant and many yellow flowers! At the end of our color adventure, I am not sure who had more fun… me or the kiddos! We made it a race to see who could “iSpy” something yellow first! After my day ended with the girls, I headed back home to upload the pictures into Flickr. This was part was very straightforward! From here, I explored Timeline JR some. This is where I began to feel very overwhelmed. Once I spent time actually reading the instructions, it was SO easy! They spell out every step for you! Guess this was a good lesson to stop cutting the corners! Once I was finished, I found the embedded code and clicked on View within my post. In View, there was a place to “write” or copy and past ‘Source Code’. Once I placed it, my timeline showed up and this is when I said “Holy COW!”




Too basic? I thought so too… yet, I did not post a picture of me drinking one of the many Starbucks coffee’s that I’ve consumed already this year. Anyways.. I embrace the “basic white girl life”(honestly… I have no shame). I do indeed enjoy a glass(or two) of chilled white wine. I will fall hook, line and sinker each time there is a freshly poured glass placed within my reach. So… angler, your odds of catching me, the “You-Fish” are pretty good if you follow my simple one step instruction. That is, 1:Wine!  This image I found in my camera roll from I believe last summer, since then, I have tasted several delicious crisp wines but this one… This one in particular really left an everlasting impression on myself. Now, since I am confessing some personal quality traits about myself, I must keep going and share that I am a total “judge the bottle of wine by it’s label”. YUP! I am. And if you ask me if the label has anything whatsoever with the taste of the particular bottle, I will tell you yes until I’m blue in the face. This bottle caught my eye at the grocery store and I just knew it needed to be sampled by yours truly the “You-Fish” Not only do I enjoy it’s label, I also enjoy the name, Seaglass! Happy sipping!

DS106 ANIMATED GIF “Say It Like Peanut Butter”


For this DS106 assignment, we were asked to find a scene (either the most favorite or least favorite) and make it into a short (very short) animated GIF. I did not take me long to think of the exact animated GIF that I wanted to create. We’re the Millers is a family favorite that has now been turned into a Thanksgiving and Christmas Tradition. I know…. sounds strange doesn’t? I was trying to remember how long this has been a tradition, and I think that it started when this movie first came out in 2013! Holy Cow… I feel old. Anyways, it is always watched by my family during Thanksgiving and Christmas. It isn’t even a question.. I decided to crop this scene to this very movement because it is one of my all time favorites. Additionally, there is so much that you can interrupt just from 0.8 seconds! First let’s look at Scottie P. The smirk ought to mean that he is up to no good. Clearly, if her got a tattoo that was spelled “ragrets”…. And then to Casey. Arms crossed and entirely unamused by her fake parents questioning Scottie P and his intentions. I felt like this was such a common “first -date” encounter with meeting the parents! To go about making this animated GIF, I had to find the short clip on YouTube. Here is the original: Scottie P “Sup Dog”. I then used a third party website to download the clip to my laptop as a .mp4 file. This website was called: YouTube Downloader. After the clip was on my laptop, I had to trim the clip in order to upload it to GIPHY. Once it was on GIPHY, I was able to select the scene I wanted and adjust the duration of the clip. I deiced 0.8 seconds was ideal to portray all that I wanted for this DS106 assignments. After I was done, I was able to copy the link and embed it into my post.





WARNING Δ….. NO STREET SIGNS WERE HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THIS DAILY CREATE. I was shocked that once I uploaded my image to Twitter, how much it looked like I went out on the streets of Portland, Maine with my can of black spray paint to create my own attempt of Clet Abraham’s work. Well.. I did not do that.. Sorry to disappoint anyone who was craving some “bada$$” behavior. I did however, find this stop sign on my way home from walking the Back Cove trail and thought it would be perfect to mess around with on photoshop. It was a beautiful afternoon to stretch my legs before sitting down in front of my computer to get some work done! Before I started messing with my photo of the street sign, I did google Clent Abraham to see some of his famous work. And boy, was it creative with tons of humor behind each and everyone of his creations. Once I felt inspired and slightly confident in myself to create a piece of work on my own, I went to my new favorite website that I visit now almost everyday called “Pixlr Editor” (you can find it here: https://pixlr.com/editor/ ) Before I got started, I need to crop the image and rotate it. This was pretty easy and straight forward! From here, I was able to add the paint options to the image. After I selected my color (black..) , it was easy to move the mouse around while it painted on top of the image. Once I was happy with the final image and MEME, I clicked ‘save’ and it was on my desktop waiting to be uploaded for this assignment!

DS106 – “Demotivate Yourself MEME”

This is currently the exact representation of my life (and face…). Recently, I have been struggling with finding the motivation to get my a$$ to the gym. From working long days to moving and a whole other endless tasks that are tied to growing up and being an adult (can I go back to being 10 years old and not having a care in the world?! Please…). However, something the demotivates me more, is seeing my friends at the gym and them asking me to join them when I have just walked through the door and graving a snack to be enjoyed on the couch. Creating these MEME’s are cracking me up. There is so much room for creativity that I have found them to be hilarious. For this MEME unlike the last one I did, I used a blank image that is a considered to be a “famous” MEME. The very first MEME I used my own picture and did not think it left an everlasting impression. Hence, why I deiced to the use a well-known image within the MEME world. I googled “Well-Known MEME’s” and found this one of Jim from the office and knew it was perfect for this assignment. You can click on the hyperlink to view the original image ( Image of Jim – Know Your MEME).I then took the image and saved it to my laptop and uploaded it to an online (free!!!) photoshop website. This website was called, “Pixlr Editor” (you can find it here: https://pixlr.com/editor/ )From here, I was able to add text to the image. After I typed out the text , it was easy to move the text around the image to place it directly where I wanted it. Once I was happy with the final image and MEME, I clicked ‘save’ and it was on my desktop waiting to be uploaded for this assignment!



Daily Create #tdc2697 (pt.2)



Hello Hooman, it’s wonderful to see you! I forget how long it has been, but I am glad that you are here now.  One request… MORE coffee please. Watching you complete all of your homework is exhausting. How do you do it? Can we go on a walk now? HELLO? Are you listening to me….

I have noticed that you have met Dutch. Dutch is my niece (or my sisters dog). I spent time with her this morning before heading over to watch my brother play ultimate frisbee. You can check out my other Daily Create to read more about that. Anyways, Dutch loves attention, she loves it so much that she’ll try and steal a sip of my coffee just to get my attention. She is just too cute to stay focused. I took this photo with my iPhone and I am surprised with the high image quality. Assuming that it had something to do with the proper lighting!  I was able to simply upload this image to Twitter and provide a quick write up for my Daily Create. And yes.. oops did you catch me.. I did two in one day because well… My day was filled with dogs, how convenient?!?!